First Allure Proud Concubine

Chapter 1075 Doing Evil

Chapter 1075 Doing Evil (9)

When necessary, patriarch, just break the unicorn whip you got in the secret room, it contains the secret of summoning the clansmen! "

After Jiugu Xianweng finished speaking, his eyes were opening and closing feebly as if his spiritual power had been catastrophic.

"Master, you must not die, how should I explain this to Long Ming? Master..."

"Stupid, fool... the master has nine lives, but this time he died of exhaustion of spiritual power. In the next life, if you see me, I'm afraid you will be a stunned young man from the beginning. It's really... unlucky."

As soon as the words fell, Jiugu Xianweng closed his eyes, and the hands beside him dropped feebly.And his extremely old body was already cold and stiff, without a trace of warmth.

Murong Feixue asked Xieying Baidi and the others to bury Jiugu Xianweng's body first, while she led Mo Zishang and Yuan Shi to the entrance of the Immortal Realm first.

As soon as I arrived in front of my eyes, I suddenly found that the gate of the Immortal Realm towered into the sky.The golden door frame seems to extend endlessly like the surrounding area.It gives people the feeling that there is no other way but this entrance.

And inside the gate, there are already a lot of army horses, shadowy, almost invisible.

And the leading general, who looked about thirty, was wearing a white battle robe inlaid with gold patterns.Slightly fair skin, delicate and arrogant face.Although he looks handsome and delicate, there is a strong look in his eyebrows and eyes.At a glance, one will never forget that superior attitude.What is particularly impressive is his innate bearing and self-confidence.

Riding on a tall horse and looking down at the crowd, he was full of murderous aura and mighty majesty.

Naturally, he also looked at Murong Feixue fiercely.And there was an undisguised disdain in that gaze amidst the anger.It was as if he just regarded her as an ant.Didn't see it at all.

Yuan Shi recognized the person in front of him at a glance, and then his heart trembled uncontrollably.He is the legendary Tiangang God of War!

At that time, there were constant wars between the heavenly and demonic realms, and gods of all ranks had no way to defeat the demons.The generals of Tiangong often lose their soldiers and lose their generals, and the whole Tiangong is in depression.At that time, Yuan Shi was still an unknown little spider.Following my mother's expedition several times, they all returned with full rewards.

As a result, until the day I saw this Tiangang God of War.

He led his 50 gods of war with an unstoppable force, like a tiger joining a pack of wolves, and wiped out [-] demons in just three days.The monsters headed by the Blood Refining Demon Lord were defeated.Then, through a group of fairy families to suppress step by step, step by step.Tiangang God of War almost used the method of killing each other to drive the Blood Refining Demon Venerable and the million demons into the void.

And Shenlong is the gatekeeper who controls the entrance to the void.Endowed with infinite divine power.It's just that every hundred years, Shenlong will sleep for a period of time.The last time the demons appeared in the world, they touched the time when the dragon was dormant and invaded Ziyun Continent wantonly.

Yuan Shi told Murong Feixue everything he knew with his soul voice.After all, only by knowing the enemy and knowing yourself can you win a hundred battles.What's more, this battle is unusual.

"The million-strong army that can defeat demons is evident in this Tiangang team. You have to be more careful."

Yuan Shi made one last reminder, and stood beside Murong Feixue, ready to fight side by side even if he was desperate.

(End of this chapter)

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