First Allure Proud Concubine

Chapter 277 Winning the Championship Again

Chapter 277 Winning the Championship Again (8)

With a command to fight, Lingxi raised its front hooves fiercely, and then stomped on the little blue-eyed mouse.

At this time, the strength of Lingxi seems to have increased again, and when he runs, it seems that the whole arena is trembling slightly.

The blue-eyed mouse didn't move, just lying there as if waiting for Lingxi to step over, but there was a trace of contempt in its small eyes that others couldn't understand.

Lingxi's speed and strength have improved to a certain extent, it is like a moving mountain of meat, it quickly came to the front of the blue-eyed mouse, and there was no intention of showing mercy, the huge meat hoof stepped on the blue-eyed mouse .

Some soft-hearted female disciples have already screamed. Obviously, they don't want to see such a cute little mouse being trampled to death by this big stupid cow.

Immediately afterwards, an astonishing scene appeared.

The moment Lingxi stepped down, the body of the Bi-eyed Mouse suddenly exuded a green color, and then, thick thorn branches climbed up from its side quickly, like octopus arms. It seemed that Lingxi was wrapped up quickly.

The power that the tiny blue-eyed mouse erupted at this moment was more than ten times stronger than that of Lingxi?
Those thorns were tightly bound to the mud armor, which could not be broken even by the tail blow of the little white tiger's meal, but these thorns and branches pierced it one by one, and blood burst out fiercely.

The blue-eyed mouse squeaked, and the thorn branch seemed to come to life, and it twitched on the spot, bound by Lingxi.

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The huge Lingxi had no power to fight back at all, as if being grabbed by a giant, he fell from the left and hit the right, and was soon dizzy from being smashed.

Such a heaven-defying result was never expected by anyone.

The eyes of the freshmen below were wide open, and Xin Yue and Yan Niang jumped up in cheers.

Bi Yan and Ning Qingqing covered their eyes in pain, not daring to look any further.

Why would there be a Jedi counterattack after such an obvious victory or defeat?
Moreover, the more Bi Yan and the others looked at this little mouse, the more they looked at it. Isn't it one of the three little animals that they laughed at yesterday?

How could it be so powerful?

Bi Yanhui regretted it to death, if he had known that this little mouse was so powerful, he should have rushed to adopt it as a pet yesterday.

At this time, both of them felt that they had misused gold as fertilizer and lost it, and their hearts ached.

But what about heartache?Can't let the blue-eyed mouse change its mind!

No matter how amazed and nervous, this battle has no longer fluctuated, and the rare dual-element spirit beast has no power to fight back in front of the blue-eyed mouse.

After announcing that Murong Feixue had won, Liang Yali also announced the strength of this blue-eyed mouse, which was indeed a green spirit beast of the sky rank.

This result made everyone dumbfounded, three-stage beast!Another three-stage beast!Is this match worth it?
Ning Qingqing was about to die, her opponent was a beast, what about herself?The flame horse of the seventh-stage spirit beast.

The identities are so different, it's like a high-ranking princess is facing her, a vile beggar.

(End of this chapter)

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