First Allure Proud Concubine

Chapter 667 Goodbye Zhihan

Chapter 667 Goodbye Qian Zhihan (1)

"Hmph! You still have the nerve to say it? It's because you know I'm here, if you don't know, maybe something will happen!" Murong Feixue said angrily.

Today's Murong Feixue has been promoted to the strength of Four Tails.The function of the first tail before - the shadow clone, in addition to being able to be light and invisible, it also has the same cultivation strength as Murong Feixue. The most rare thing is that it can already transmit the words of the deity like the soul voice.

It's just that the three banshees have never seen such a thing as a shadow clone.He was caught off guard and heard a woman's voice suddenly resounding in the air on the first floor of the Linglong Demon Locking Tower that had been silent for a hundred years.Immediately, I was so frightened that my body trembled!I was almost scared to scream...

"What kind of goblin is this? It doesn't even have the slightest appearance, and it still has such a powerful and awe-inspiring aura..."

"Sister, sister, didn't you say that you are naturally beautiful and hard to give up? Since you look so beautiful, it's up to you to go out and compare with that invisible banshee!"

"Second sister, don't bully third sister all the time! The three of us are one body, if one dies, the other two will not live long! Don't be so short-sighted!"

The three banshees were already terrified.He didn't have the slightest intention to tease Long Ming.Those cold eyes were wide open.But still can't see the shadow of half a person...

"Crack! Crack! Crack!" Three loud slaps sounded suddenly.

The three banshees were slapped three times inexplicably.He looked astonished, as if he had seen a ghost.

But when they looked at Long Ming, he was still standing with arms folded.It didn't look like it had moved at all.Those three slaps just now were definitely not from him.But who is it?
"I'm so mad! I have been a demon for more than 100 years, and I have never been so wronged!"

"That's right, whether it's tolerable or unbearable! I'm going to fight this guy!"

"Yes, sisters, show our true colors, the tiger will treat us as sick cats if it doesn't show its power!"

The three frantic banshees showed their original hideous appearance in an instant.

The skin with icy muscles and bones became pale and mottled, and the three thousand coils of cloud bun instantly faded and became sparse. On the face of heavy makeup, there was a corrupt skin that could not be concealed.Some even showed thick bones.The exposed neon clothes were all turned into broken rags, hanging danglingly on their naked bodies.No more boobs and buttocks.There are just countless maggots crawling in and out from under the rotting skin.

This change was so big that even Murong Feixue couldn't help shivering.I almost want to vomit.The strange thing is that Longming.It's still like a normal person.Smiling and watching the three banshees reveal their true colors.

"My princess...were you jealous of these three women before?"

After a long while, I heard Long Ming speak leisurely.The voice was full of jokes.

Don't be jealous of the three women in front of you.It's not an exaggeration to say it's creepy.Any man who would be tempted by them is truly infatuated.

Murong Feixue smiled embarrassingly.Before he had time to explain anything, he saw the three banshees who became angry from embarrassment.Suddenly opened his arms.The long and slender claws glowing with a dark green light, scratching randomly in the air with a sharp wind sound.

They were reluctant to hurt Long Ming, but they were determined not to let go of that "invisible woman" who dared to slap them.

(End of this chapter)

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