First Allure Proud Concubine

Chapter 825 Goodbye Longming

Chapter 825 Goodbye Longming (4)

When Mu Xing'er heard the words of the woman in black, she immediately showed an excited expression on her face.Just the next moment, her body trembled violently.It was like going through something very painful.His eyes widened suddenly, and his face was slightly distorted, revealing a ferocious and painful expression.

Standing behind Mu Xing'er, Murong Feixue saw at a glance that the masked woman in black was holding a dagger in her hand, and the tip of the dagger had already pierced into Mu Xing'er's body.

"You...why did you do this?" Mu Xing'er was still very puzzled.asked in an unbelievable tone.

" idiot! Do you think I can get five Nvwa stones, and I will give them up? You are just dreaming!" The masked woman in black laughed wildly.

The black-clothed masked man standing beside her also laughed wildly.Behind them, the burning copper pillars were full of scorched corpses of young girls.The screams set off their eerie laughter, which was extremely terrifying.

The panic-stricken Mu Xing'er finally saw the true face of the black-clothed woman in front of her.Reminiscent of what she had said to herself before, Mu Xing'er finally understood that from the beginning to the end, she just wanted to use herself to bring Murong Feixue here.

"Unexpectedly, I was smart all my life, but I was stupid for a while! I fell for your trick..." Mu Xing'er regretted it too late.

With the severe pain in her abdomen and the rapid loss of blood, she knew that she was powerless to resist the murderous hand of the woman in black in front of her.Right now, Murong Feixue is also tied up by her.In other words, all the way out was destroyed by oneself.All she could do was close her eyes and wait for death.

Mu Xing'er turned her head leisurely, and apologized to Murong Feixue with the last ounce of strength, "I'm sorry, I've always been partial to one side, and misunderstood you...not only did I hurt myself, but I also implicated you. If there is an afterlife, I will Let me make up for you in the next life! I will be your cow and horse, and I will always pay off the debts I owe you."

After saying that, Mu Xing'er closed her eyes and let the woman in black and the man in black be at the mercy of her.

Just when Mu Xing'er was about to be lifted onto the red-hot copper pillar by the black-clothed masked woman and the black-clothed masked man, she suddenly heard Murong Feixue's low and threatening voice coming from behind them.

"Do you think that Murong Feixue can stop me with just a rope?"

The masked woman in black immediately turned her head and looked at Murong Feixue warily.

The flustered eyes calmed down again, and he said confidently: "I asked Mu Xing'er to give you a Hualing powder that is rare in a hundred years. Even a master at the peak of the god rank may not be able to escape such an overbearing one. Poison! So even if you have wings, it is impossible to fly out of this loli cave..."

Just when the black-clothed masked woman was proud of her words, her face suddenly changed.

He only saw the corners of Murong Feixue's lips hooked slightly, and with almost no effort, he easily broke all the ropes on his body.After a cloud of white ash filled the air, she saw Murong Feixue supporting Mu Xing'er with one hand and pulling out the Raging Flaming Crescent Knife with the other.The blade is cold and the light is dazzling.Immediately, the masked woman in black and the masked man in black were taken aback.

"This, how is this possible..." The voice of the masked woman in black trembled, her eyes were as big as Tongling.

The masked man in black was even more worried about Murong Feixue's sudden attack, so he straightened up and stood in front of the black masked woman.

(End of this chapter)

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