Chapter 861 Dowry
Even though Murong Feixue, who was wearing a red hijab, couldn't see the expression on his face.But looking at her quiet breath, it is obvious that she obeys Mr. Murong Aotian in her heart.After all, she knew that apart from a bunch of sycophants in Murong's family, only this grandpa really cared about her and loved her so much.

"Prince Dragon of the Illusory Cloud Country, Long Ming is here! I beg to marry the daughter of the Murong family—Murong Feixue! Please leave it to me as usual." His Royal Highness the Dragon Prince of the Illusory Cloud Country appeared majestically on a tall horse. At the front of the line.The clear voice spread far away.

It almost seemed to be ringing in the ears, and everyone in the Murong family hall heard it clearly.

"Well, I'll let the old man go out first to see how sincere he is!" Mr. Murong Aotian got up again after talking, and walked out quietly with leisurely steps.

Standing at the gate of Murong's house, seeing the ostentation in front of him, even the well-informed old man was a little astonished at the first glance.

There are huge crowds of people watching the excitement, and the team welcoming the bride is also mighty and mighty with hundreds of people.

Just the 72 maidens guarding the sedan chairs on both sides of the procession.It can be seen that she is a carefully selected woman.Each of them is wearing a tulle-like red dress, pink shoes embroidered with mandarin ducks, and a basket full of precious flowers in their left hand.While walking, while sprinkled.The broken flowers all over the sky are extremely gorgeous.The aroma rippling nose, refreshing.

There are 72 eunuchs holding palace umbrellas behind them, all of them have delicate features and neat movements.Finally, 72 royal guards wearing gold armor lined up in two groups before and after the wedding procession and the bridal sedan chair.heavily guarded...

Long Ming, who greeted his relatives, was originally riding on a tall horse.As soon as he saw the old man coming out, he immediately dismounted and greeted him.

The old man looked at Long Ming, he was young, but he was an upright man in his twenties.The red robe is like fire, and the hair is black and black.Wearing a purple gold hair crown inlaid with jade, his face was as beautiful as a sculpture.The two curved black eyebrows are like paint, and there is a heroic spirit between the eyebrows.The eyes under the eyebrows are like stars, the skin is fair, and the bridge of the nose is well defined.There is a romantic charm in every gesture.

"I'm Long Ming, who came to marry Murong Feixue today, and please let the old man go!"

"Since you are here, let me ask, what gift do you have to marry my granddaughter Murong Aotian?"

"Grandpa let it go..."

Long Ming smiled mysteriously at Murong Aotian, and took out an exquisite treasure box from his interspatial ring just as he raised his hand.The treasure box is unusually gorgeous, and there is a [-]% enchantment outside the treasure box.Others cannot see the scene in the treasure box.But Long Ming has no reservations about the old man, and deliberately let the old man see the enchantment.

The treasure box was opened in the middle, and there were no more, no less, and there were two radiant stones.

The old man Murong Aotian immediately opened his eyes wide, his face was full of disbelief.Shaking his fingers and pointing at the things in the treasure box, he was speechless for a long while.

But Long Ming communicated with the old man with his soul voice before the old man Murong Aotian opened his mouth: "Don't be surprised, old man! It's just two nuwa stones, although it's not a respect, but the value lies in its meaning."

That old man Murong Aotian was already on the verge of having a heart attack from the nuwa stone.

(End of this chapter)

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