My girlfriend is Fairy Chang'e

Chapter 109 Killing Monkey King

Chapter 109 Killing Monkey King


Looking at the coveted flat peach, Shi Fan was very excited and touched at this moment. Chang'e's status has not yet reached the point where she can get a flat peach at will. Now that the Queen Mother finally rewarded a flat peach, what she thought was To himself, this friendship moved him inexplicably, if she were in the mortal world, he would definitely spend his whole life protecting and caring for her!
It's a pity that the two people are not only separated by immortals, but also separated by time and space. They may never have the chance to meet each other in their entire lives. Everything can only belong to divine friendship, just like two netizens who will never meet.

"Hey!" Shi Fan sighed heavily, how could he want it, and hurriedly said: "Fairy, flat peaches are also very precious to you, you should keep them to prolong your life and increase your mana!"

"Brother Shi Fan!" Chang'e pouted over there, "If you don't want it, I'll be angry. You must accept it. If you don't accept it, I won't eat it either, so I'll throw it away, hmph!"

Chang'e pouted, stomped her slender feet, played petty temper, and gave him whatever she said.

Shi Fan knew that she could do this kind of thing, if she didn't want it, she might really throw it away.There was no other way, so I had no choice but to keep this friendship in my heart, and reached out to point at Pantao.

"Ding Ding!" Two dialog boxes popped up in succession:
"Your memory space cannot download more than 1G!"

"Your balance is insufficient, please recharge in time!"

Seeing these two messages, Shi Fan felt a pain in the ass, and he immediately understood, although this is a peach, but it is a flat peach from the Pantao Club. For such a tall thing, can downloading require less space and merit points? That Heavenly Discarded Pill is ten million times stronger, even if you want it, you can't get it.

"Fairy!" Shi Fan hurriedly said, "I'm afraid it's even more advanced than the immortal realm. I can't get it even if I want it. You should keep it. I'm happy that you live well on it!"

"Ah!" Chang'e suddenly came to her senses. She was too anxious to let him extend his lifespan. The lifespan of a mortal is only a few decades, but to a fairy, it is only a snap of the fingers. Because she was too concerned, Chang'e ignored this point.

Chang'e was very sorry that such a good thing could not be given to him. She frowned for a long while and said, "Brother Shi Fan, then I won't give you the flat peaches, but I will give you these two thousand merits. Wait until you have more merits." The more I can help you."

"Chang'e, Chang'e!"

Before Chang'e could give Shi Fan any merit, Ziyi, the youngest among the seven fairies, ran over and said in a hurry, "Your pet was caught by the emperor for stealing flat peaches. Go and have a look quickly, and the Jade Emperor will push you to the bed." The Monster Slaying Platform has beheaded."

"Ah!" Chang'e was taken aback, not caring about giving Shi Fan any merit, and hurried up to the Yaochi, just when she saw the monkey being grabbed by two heavenly warriors.

Chang'e hurriedly saluted: "Your Majesty, please let Wukong go. I brought her here. I blamed my lax discipline for her to steal the flat peaches. Chang'e is willing to be punished on her behalf. Please forgive her once!"

"Fairy, this is for you and Sister Rabbit!" The monkey spread out his robe to reveal two flat peaches, his face was full of hope, but Li Jing grabbed the peaches, causing the monkey to jump up and down, almost rushing to catch him , but was held down by two wrestlers.

"Hey!" Chang'e sighed inwardly. She knew that the monkey wanted to steal flat peaches for her to eat, but it was too simple. How did she know that the rules of heaven were not to be profaned? She blamed herself. She should have reminded it earlier. With so many people watching, why did he let it enter Yaochi to get flat peaches?

How did she know that it was her break dance that captivated the immortals, and the monkey easily sneaked in.

"Chang'e!" The Queen Mother over there snorted coldly, "You indulged the monster monkey, and even you will be punished along with it. How dare you intercede for it? Are you still not guilty?"

"Your Majesty!" Hearing that the Queen Mother wanted to punish Chang'e, many immortals gathered and interceded for Chang'e, especially Marshal Tianpeng, who shouted the loudest.

He Xiangu, the only female fairy among the Eight Immortals, has always been on good terms with Chang'e. She twirled the lotus in her hand and said, "Your Majesty, Fairy Guanghan just presented us with a wonderful dance. She has contributed a lot to this peach banquet. If there is no credit, there will be hard work." , and please Your Majesty to be exempted from punishment."

"Yes, father, Chang'e has always worked hard for the Peach Society, especially this time, it is even more outstanding, and the seven of us are impressed. If they are punished together, it will inevitably chill everyone's hearts. I also ask the queen mother to take back her life."

The seven fairies pleaded with the Queen Mother one after another.

"That's all!" The Jade Emperor didn't intend to punish Chang'e at first, especially this time when Chang'e was so brilliant at the Pantao Festival, how could he be willing to punish him? Meritorious, this time it shines even more brilliantly, since all the immortals pleaded for mercy, I think this time they will be exempted from punishment."

"Okay, since the Jade Emperor said it, then we will be exempted from punishment, and I will not be an example." The Queen Mother said, Chang'e performed well, and she also had a good face in front of the immortals. She also didn't want to punish Chang'e, so she just went down the donkey.

"Your Majesty!" Li Jing played over there again: "Fairy Guanghan can be exempted from punishment, but the monster monkey can't. He steals the flat peaches and disrupts the peach banquet. He has committed a heinous crime and should be executed!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Nanji Xianweng also echoed.

The Jade Emperor didn't want to spare the monkey at first, so he immediately waved his sleeves, "Come here, push this monkey up to the monster-killing platform to show the public, as a warning to others, and see which monster dares to disturb my heaven in the future!"

Immediately, a warrior from heaven pushed Sun Wukong onto the demon-slaying platform.None of the immortals interceded for the monkey, but it was a monstrous monkey who made such a big mistake, who would want to offend the Jade Emperor and intercede for it.

What else did Chang'e want to say, but the Jade Emperor waved his hand, "You are a body of guilt. If I didn't pursue you for lax supervision, it was already the immortals begging for mercy. Don't say any more. This monkey will not get rid of the troubles of the immortals." Fury, you step back!"

Chang'e knew that it was useless to plead for mercy, so she hurriedly got off Yaochi, she wanted to find Shi Fan to see what to do.

She is used to looking for Shi Fan when she encounters problems, not to mention the matter of monkeys. When she came outside, she immediately said, "Brother Shi Fan, please think of a way to save the monkey. He ate the flat peaches and was pushed to beheaded The Yaotai is going to be beheaded."

"Ah!" Shi Fan was also taken aback. Because of the high consumption, he had been resting all the time. Although he was on WeChat, he didn't check Moments. Only then did he know that Chang'e had brought the monkey to the peach feast.

Shi Fanxin said that the monkey is really brave, he dared to steal the flat peaches without Mao's supernatural powers, but now is not the time to blame, the most important thing is to save the monkey.

"Fairy, don't worry, I'll think of a way."

"Hurry up, the monkey will die later." Chang'e rubbed her hands anxiously. She originally wanted the monkey to see the world and learn the etiquette of the fairy world, but she never thought of such a thing.

(End of this chapter)

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