Chapter 192

The chairman wanted to toast, and the female PRs all stood up and raised their cups. Although Leng Qiuchan is the chairman, he is not good at drinking. He drank red wine. It's baijiu, and people who work in public relations can drink it more or less.

Shi Fan's wine was poured by Tan Jingjing, and it was also baijiu.

This glass of wine was just a symbolic sip. As soon as the glass was put down, Tan Jingjing raised the glass, "Come on Xiaoshi, today I borrow flowers to present Buddha. Welcome to the public relations department as the deputy director. I respect you and do it first!" For respect."

This girl is worthy of being the Minister of Public Relations, Xue Xiang raised her head, and the glass of baijiu bottomed out, and then she smartly lit the bottom of the glass to show Shi Fan.

A woman drank it all, and Shi Fan would be ashamed if he didn't drink it, so he had to drink a glass too. Suddenly, there was a burst of spicy taste, and his chest was as hot as fire, but after all, he was a warrior, and a glass of wine was fine.

"Deputy Minister Laishi, welcome to the PR department. I respect you. Let's make a sample first." Hu Liying stood up second, raised her neck, and drank a glass of white wine into it.

After Shi Fan finished drinking this cup, another female publicist stood up. Which one is not a powerful character, Shi Fan immediately felt a little overwhelmed.

He hastened to use his true energy to refine part of the wine power, but that didn't work, there was too much wine, and he was only at the second level of the dragon vein, so how could he refine it all at once.

Seeing another OL raised the glass, Leng Qiuchan raised the glass, "Everyone, take it easy, I'll drink this glass of wine for Shi Fan."

She poured Shi Fan's wine into her own glass, drank it in one gulp, and even blocked a glass for Shi Fan.

A group of female publicists were completely dumbfounded. Since when did the chairman block the drink for a man, and today he blocks the drink for this kid, it's a big face.

"Come on, everyone, don't just drink, isn't there karaoke here? Let's see who sings a song."

"The chairman comes first." The female PRs said respectfully.

"That's all for me, Jingjing sings well, let Jingjing sing a song!" Leng Qiuchan said, Tan Jingjing is her favorite general, she really likes seeing it in her eyes.

"Minister Tan, here's a song." The female publicists began to encourage again, Tan Jingjing pretended to be reserved, and asked a little thin man, the only male in the public relations department, to order "New Heartbeat" which he was good at. .

Maybe you've seen too many tragedies

also suffered too much grievance

You're afraid of the past you don't want to look back on
will continue

But life is twisty enough to be real enough
Only when people are in pain can they persevere


This girl is indeed good at singing, her voice is clear and round, and she has the momentum and confidence of a strong woman, which attracted constant applause from the female publicists.

Leng Qiuchan nodded secretly, "Jingjing is indeed the leader of my public relations department, even her singing is so beautiful."

Tan Jingjing blushed a little from the praise, but she sang more confidently and comfortably. After the song was over, Li Jiaqi sang another song. Although she recognized her godfather, she sang very beautifully, with a pure and melodious taste.

To be honest, this is what they are good at. These female publicists have ten women and nine wheat masters, and they all sing very well. After you finish singing, I sing, and they keep singing and dancing, having a great time. Looking at the elites under him with a smile on his face, it feels like having fun with the people.

After singing for a long time, the group of female publicists remembered Shi Fan, the deputy minister.

"Deputy Minister Shi, you can sing a song too, can you sing?" Hu Liying said, because she was not happy with Shi Fan taking her seat, and as a publicist and good at singing, her tone was intentionally or unintentionally contemptuous.

"Hehe, I don't sing very well, forget it." Shi Fan said.

"Forget it, how can it work?" Tan Jingjing walked over, "You are the deputy director, as the deputy director of the public relations department, how can you do it if you can't sing, let me tell you, Deputy Director Shi, our company does not welcome **** *…”

Pause, this is a bit of accusation, it means that Shi is a ****, even Leng Qiuchan's face changed, she arranged for him to join the public relations department to repay Shi Fan, but Tan Jingjing didn't know ah.

As expected of a public relations worker, seeing the strange scene, Tan Jingjing changed the subject, "But I believe that Deputy Minister Shi has such ability, please come and applaud, and ask Minister Shi to sing us a song."

Immediately, the female public relations department continued to applaud, sweeping away the unhappiness just now. This is the minister's method, telling you something, making you sick, achieving the effect of knocking mountains and shaking tigers, and making you speechless.

"Damn it!" Shi Fan smiled wryly. There are only villains and women who are difficult to raise. The ancients never deceived me. Why don't you tell me what the public relations department should do, and even recite Yangko to me.

"Yes, Vice Minister Shi should be welcome to sing a song." Even Leng Qiuchan next to him was applauding lightly. To be honest, he still had some expectations for Shi Fan's singing.

Shi Fan couldn't stop singing in this situation. He was about to order a song when the door knocked softly. The hotel manager came in from outside with a plate of soft fried fish in his hand. He looked at Leng Qiuchan and said respectfully : "Welcome Dong Leng to dine at the hotel. I am the hotel manager, surnamed Xiao. I know that Dong Leng is coming, and I will give you a special dish. I wish you all a pleasant meal in our restaurant..."

Without quick words, Manager Xiao took a glance at Shi Fan, his eyes straightened immediately, and his voice trembled with excitement, " are Mr. Shi Fanshi?"

Manager Xiao's eyes are like a girl chasing a star and seeing her favorite big star.

A group of female publicists including Leng Qiuchan were extremely surprised. Could it be that Manager Xiao knew him?Judging from his expression, it seems that this kid is very famous.

Shi Fan also frowned, "Could it be that we have met Manager Xiao?"

He claimed that he had never met this Manager Xiao.

"Mr. Shi doesn't know me, but I know you." Manager Xiao almost didn't hug Shi Fan, and said excitedly: "I was at Mood Zero Bar that day, and I happened to be summoned by a friend, and your songs really blew the world away. You played the guitar very well, even though you are no longer in the bar, but there are still legends about you in this industry, today I, Lao Xiao, have the honor to meet the legend, can you not be excited."

"Fuck, when did my brother become a legend." Shi Fan smiled shyly and said, "Didn't I sing a few songs for life back then, not as exaggerated as Manager Xiao said."

"Why is it an exaggeration, and your piano piece, defending the Yellow River, defending North China, and defending the whole of China, I still feel excited when I think about it."

As the hotel manager, he also saw Shi Fan playing the piano last time, but he couldn't show up at Qin Meixuan's dance.

Speaking of this, Manager Xiao quickly handed Shi Fan a cigarette, "Mr. Shi, play us another song, and let me have a good time. To be honest, I haven't been to that bar a few times. It's so heartbreaking to find you."

(End of this chapter)

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