Chapter 1069 The Stars and the Sea (28)

Her eyes stayed on this column for a long time.

It seems that the life-saving back-up left for himself will come into play.

A smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Keep the original route and continue to drive."

As the aircraft sailed towards the sky, Krys' heart beat fast.

It seemed as if it had risen to the highest speed all of a sudden.

He touched his heart with his hand, and the main control room below was so small that it became a black spot, and he suddenly regretted his actions.

He felt that he should stay in the main control room.

But obviously, the reality no longer gave him too much breathing time.Even if he stayed in the main control room, he couldn't complete the task of teleporting himself. He could only put the template of the new body on the earth first, and then follow it to merge with it.

He hasn't moved those energies yet.

In front of the Führer was a panorama of the Ca-S galaxy.

The areas marked in red are either destroyed or occupied, and are rapidly spreading and expanding.

It was obvious that the Sloter didn't intend to spare his life in this battle.How long did it take them to prepare for such a ruthless move that hurts the enemy one thousand and self-injures eight hundred?

Is it necessary to swallow this planet, and change the name of the Ca-S Galaxy to the Slot Galaxy?
Kress didn't go to war.

He glanced at the situation, stood behind the commander here, and said a few words unhurriedly.

The commander was enlightened and immediately passed on the order.

In the current situation, it is obviously impossible to fight hard.They can only outflank from the left and right.

Since Sloter uses robots, as long as there are signal jammers, these spacecraft will be blind.

The current confidence of the head of state has improved a lot.

Although Colonel Qatar said he would not assist, he still did not leave.This made them even more powerful, and their chances of winning increased by a few points.

The hope that had been fading was finally rekindled.

Time passed slowly, the commander's forehead was beaded with sweat, Kress stood aside, occasionally said a few words, and adjusted the orbit of the spacecraft.

The head of state and other people are also analyzing the war situation.

Unexpectedly, a screen popped up in the void, and the magnified face of the Prime Minister and Supreme Commander of Sloter appeared in front of everyone.

Immediately afterwards, the ear-piercing red alarm sounded, and the team of spaceships secretly sent out of control one after another!
The people on Sloter also thought of jamming the spacecraft's signal.

At the same time, Chris narrowed his eyes.

He clearly sensed something was wrong with his body—a little bit out of control.


That huge underground palace...

No wonder his idea spread to Sloter as soon as he put it forward... Perhaps this body was the experimental subject of Sloter in the early years, and they never gave up using this body.

The speed of the development of Sloter in the last 1000 years is indeed somewhat unexpected. What they want to show the outside world is only a little progress on the surface. How much they have really grown may not be known to everyone.The nanoworms that time were only rare.

He counted a lot, but he alone missed the variable of himself.

Even though the nanoworm technology is immature, its power should not be underestimated.

His whole body should have been controlled by now, but the nanites mainly control the whole body of the human body by controlling the chip in the human body. He does not have the chip, and the nanites can only hibernate in his body now.

(End of this chapter)

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