Chapter 821 The Flower in the Palm (25)

It seems that the rules of this game are the same as the last game - it doesn't matter whether you live or die, survival depends on your ability.

Only by surviving can you be qualified to continue playing Werewolf.

"Be rational, this fire won't kill you, at most it will make you suffer a little bit," Li Weixi called out to her, "There are so many of us, if you tell the truth, let's think about it... help you put out the fire?"

She has picky eyes and looks very pleasing, but her heart is extremely dark.

Those who survived by chance did not dare to approach her at all.

The woman seemed to have listened to her words. Although her eyes were confused, she gradually regained some sense.

Li Weixi originally only spread a layer of hay around the outside of the house, not much inside the house.At most, if it burns for a while to scare her, it can still be extinguished.

But's hard to say.

"I used to be human..." Her thoughts gradually flew into the distance.

How long ago was that.

A city girl falls in love with a farm boy. For him, she can abandon everything, sever ties with her parents, give up her identity as a golden phoenix and marry into the countryside.

The man's family is also rich, and the wedding was held in a luxury hotel.

Unexpectedly, the variable came on the wedding day.

After drinking, everyone was a little tipsy. The young woman was teasing the groom, blinking her eyes. The groom in front of her was a big yellow dog!

She fled the room in fright and went back to the dining room.There was a feast of blood. Someone was lying on the ground, his life was still alive, but the group of villagers pounced on him like hungry wolves, tearing his skin and muscles...

In her eyes, those are no longer human - chickens, ducks, birds, and various plants...

The woman cried and said: "Monsters, they are all monsters! Their cultivation is still shallow, and they can easily show their original shape, so they need to eat people to supplement..."

Those relatives and friends who I brought to the wedding are being eaten by monsters.

Even though many years have passed, she still shudders every time she thinks about that experience.

The truth is clear, no wonder there are not many people living here, hiding in the deep mountains and old forests far, far away from the city, without electronic equipment, without contact with the outside world, but they are very wealthy.

The people in a village are all demons, and every year they go out regularly, take people's skins, or cheat marriages, feast on weddings, or lure ignorant people here and enter their stomachs.

She couldn't remember how she escaped afterwards.

At that time, she went mad and killed many creatures, whether it was human or demon, and then returned to the house that the man said was given to her as a dowry, crying all day and all night.

After she came out, she found that she had also changed a lot. She was integrated with the house, but the house could also be independent of her body, but the items inside were like the composition of her body.

"After merging with the house, my memory of being a human being slowly dissipated. I only remember that I want to eat people, practice, and become stronger. My memory stays on the day of the wedding forever."

She sobbed softly.

So she, like the group of villagers, weaves illusions, draws people in, lets them sink into the wedding, and then swallows them up.

Like the bridegroom whose heart has been dug out.

The flames were blazing, and the truth was revealed, but the woman said again: "Don't put out the fire...Little girl, burn it, I have done too many sins, maybe only fire can wash away my sins..."

(End of this chapter)

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