Chapter 879

It's more than stunning... Such a skirt, worn by her, looks flattering but not vulgar.

He lowered his head.

Outside voices have faded.

This is a wedding full of western romantic elements.The flower arch is dreamy and beautiful, and the white wedding dress is pure and flawless, embellishing the best colors in the night.

Li Weixi stood up straight, with a faint smile on his face all the time.The wedding ceremony is open. In addition to the invited guests, foreign tourists also stop to watch.

Her focus was on the group of people outside.

As they left, Kressey gave her another headset, and, of course, a gun.

She couldn't hold it in her hand all the time, so she tied the gun to her foot so that she could have a chance to attack at any time.

I don't know if this group of people... will make trouble here.

At this time, Wang Wen was already preparing to throw the flowers in her hand.

Li Weixi was so engrossed in thinking about her own affairs that she didn't even pay attention to what was happening now.

So, as the bouquet brushed past her, she made a completely automatic move—grabbed it.

There was applause on and off the court.

Wang Wen blinked even more, seemed to look at another place, and then said with a smile: "I wish my best friend finds her own happiness as soon as possible!"

Those who receive the bride's blessing are not far from their wedding day.

The corners of Li Weixi's mouth twitched slightly, and he replied a few words symbolically.

marry?Come on, she is a half-dead person now, and her own affairs have not been settled, so why are you talking about marriage?

Let's talk about it later when we return to our own world.

Jiang Che's eyes were burning.

He just looked at her like this for a long time.In the past, she would definitely stare at her with a sensitive mind.

He still remembered the way she rejected him when he confessed his love to her a few years ago.

How come... so pretty.

A sharp voice broke the atmosphere.

That was the sound of glass decorations falling to the ground and being smashed into pieces.

Then several gunshots pierced the sky.

"Don't move—"

A rough, hoarse male voice spoke these few words viciously with an unskilled English accent, "Everyone, don't move!"

It's not just the people outside who are responding.

There are also inside.

A few hands were stretched out in the dark, the gun was resting on the neck, and the guests in suits and leather shoes looked condensed: "If you move again, I will shoot!"

Several helpless women became their hostages.

Li Weixi only felt a chill on his neck.

She also became one of the hostages.

It's just that there is something wrong with the person holding her hostage.

The gun was obviously still on her neck, but his fingertips were stroking her bare//exposed skin.

Li Weixi glared at him secretly: When did you join the enemy army?
Wang Wen was so frightened that Huarong turned pale, the groom hugged her and comforted her non-stop, and the security guards on both sides had already surrounded her.

The dark-skinned man who spoke first raised the gun in his hand and smiled sinisterly: "I know there are some of you here. But I advise you, don't move around... Otherwise, I can't guarantee that these hostages will What's wrong with that..."

Li Weixi frowned fiercely when he saw a few people he had identified as the CIA before.

Including that muscular man with a good figure.

The women who were held hostage turned pale with fright, and kept crying. Li Weixi frowned slightly, thinking about whether she needed to shed a few tears to make herself look like a little white rabbit.

(End of this chapter)

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