Chapter 898 The Loved One (End)
He added: "Me too."

Li Weixi touched the chip.

Remembering that the little dumpling floating in front of him every time before was just a chip... that feeling is really a bit magical.What's even more amazing is that the chip has turned into a human.

After playing with it, Kress pressed the chip on the back of his hand.

The chip seemed to have life, growing countless tiny tentacles and melting into his skin.

Li Weixi suddenly remembered that his own chip...was cut off his wrist.

This is the gap in technology.

Digesting Liuliu's memories takes time.Li Weixi waited patiently until those beautiful brown eyes stared at her, raised her eyebrows slightly, and said, "Host."

When Liuliu said this before, he only felt it was very mechanical and had no other emotions.But from what he said, there was an inexplicably more charming look.

Some memories that I don't know if they are pleasant or not flashed before Li Weixi's eyes.

She turned her face away calmly.

Kress grabbed her hand, "I said I would give you a surprise."

He seemed to have said this...but he didn't take it to heart.

But seeing Kleis blinking slyly, the back of his hand collided with Li Weixi's wrist, Li Weixi only felt that a lot of data broke into his mind, those pictures... were all his former self.

This is, her memory? !

"I backed up your memory when I first started," he said briskly, as if claiming credit, "Look, all the memories of your coming here are here."

Everything is very clear.At this moment, Li Weixi realized that he had forgotten so many things...

However they are all preserved.

This is really great.

She doesn't have to worry about losing herself.

"Did you have it too?"

Chris didn't deny it.

The memory is backed up to him, if he doesn't know, how can he pass it to Li Weixi?
Li Weixi just asked casually, and didn't care about anything.She didn't think it was a very private thing in front of Kress, so it didn't matter.

She asked again: "Then next? Can we go out?"

She noticed that the subscript on the main screen had changed to 66.

No wonder, the previous main control room was destroyed long ago, and they should have returned to the very beginning.

It is also the place where Li Weixi first came into contact with Kleiss.

Chris shook his head.

"I'm already dead. The reincarnation nightmare system is virtual, and here is reality, so after I leave, I won't have a body. What appears in front of you now is a 7D projection, and it will disappear when you leave this room. You communicate."

Seeing Li Weixi's expression changed, he quickly added: "Do you still remember the points I asked you to collect? In fact, I made a deal with you at the beginning to resurrect myself... That body is not difficult to create, but it lacks emotion .I need to collect enough emotion to be measured in points."

"Oh..." Li Weixi smiled meaningfully, "Then I'll do a few more tasks and earn [-] points."

Emotion, she is good at it.

Kress: "...not just love! Family affection, friendship, admiration, sadness, anger and jealousy...these are all emotions! They are all helpful to me!!"

He designed that system purely to retaliate against society, after all, he had been that temperament since he was a child.

It's just that he never imagined at the time that he was the one who was cheated in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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