Chapter 940 You Look Sweet (19)

This beach is a large private beach.

Julina is also here, but she is at the water bar, flirting with a little fresh meat//.The two were talking happily when Julina suddenly saw Adler walking past.

"Adler!" she called Adler's name, "Where are you going?"

Xiao Xianrou consciously stepped aside and didn't bother her.

"Do something." Adler seemed to be in a hurry, and when he answered her question, he didn't even turn his head.

Julian frowned.

He's been looking weird lately, but he can't tell why.He still has a large number of beauties coming and going every day, but it seems that there is something different... not as swaying//as before.

This is, do you have a girlfriend?
Even her attraction to Adler had declined.

But right now, that wasn't Giulina's concern.

She had just received a text message from Kleiss—this young man who was as difficult to get through as a rock, was finally willing to go out with her once.

Thinking of this, she smiled even brighter. She must use this opportunity to impress Kress—try to take him down in one fell swoop.

In order to make herself look more like running away, Li Weixi deliberately bought a plane ticket to country A - if she remembers correctly, Adler is in country A.

She turned around three times in total, and took another train halfway, trying to make her escape seem to leave no trace.In this way, in Adler's eyes, it was more like a move she made to prevent Kress from being discovered.

It was two days before I saw Adler.

While she was on her cell phone, Kress sent her a message—saying she was going on a date with Julina this afternoon.

So, once again, in order to express his determination to escape, Li Weixi blocked Kress.

Contact or something, rely on tacit agreement!
Cress, who couldn't send a message, was once again so angry that she cried.

There was really nothing he could do about her.

Adler came to the airport to pick her up, took her suitcase, and took her to the parking lot, "I thought you would go directly to Huaguo."

Li Weixi smiled, "I really want to go. But you are in country A, so I will come to you first."

These words revealed some information intentionally or unintentionally, which made Adler excited-I don't know when, his feelings for Li Weixi have changed, it seems that he is no longer so attached to her blood, on the contrary, she is a simple one. Small gestures can make him excited.

Maybe it was because I opened up my heart with her, so I was influenced by her?
This it for a friend?

Anyway, when he gets along with Li Weixi, he always feels very light and relieved of his burden.It was something he hadn't had with those women—they only brought him physical pleasure.

With burning eyes, Adler opened the car door for her gentlemanly, and asked, "What are your plans now?"

"I don't know either." Li Weixi shook his head.

She thought for a while, and then said her plan: "I want to settle down here first, find a job, and travel to Huaguo after saving enough money... I grew up in an orphanage, orphanage courtyard Chang is Chinese, and he told me that half of my blood is from Huaguo, so he taught me to speak Chinese. I really want to go there to see it! I heard that there is a Great Wall, a beautiful palace, and great rivers and mountains..."

Her eyes are full of yearning for the future, shining brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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