Fast through the white moonlight: boss, pick up the morals

Chapter 957 The Canary That Can't Sing

Chapter 957 The Canary That Can't Sing (11)

After posting this Weibo, Li Weixi paid attention to Kleiss by the way, and glared several times at the female fans who were calling her husband all over the screen.

It's okay, don't call me husband!

After finishing this series of things, she turned off her mobile phone and computer, took out her homework from her schoolbag and started writing.

On Sunday night, the school has evening self-study, which starts at seven o'clock. For the third party, this Sunday evening self-study is a routine exam time.

According to the usual practice, we will take the Wenzong exam first tonight.She also wanted to see if she had improved a bit through studying these few days.

After taking a shower, Kress put on loose pajamas and walked to Li Weixi's bedroom.She didn't close the door, revealing a crack. The little girl sat at the desk, turned on a light, and concentrated on her homework.

A history book was spread out in front of him. The distance was too far, and he could only see that it was densely packed with notes.

He suddenly realized that she was only in her third year of high school now.

"Honey," Kress called out from the doorway until she stopped writing, "shall I take you to school tonight?"

Li Weixi shook his head, and gestured that he looked very flamboyant, and she wanted to keep a low profile.

Chris: "..."

Get angry with her every day.

After going back and forth, it was almost six o'clock, and the two ordered takeaway.Later, because time was too late, Kleiss still drove Li Weixi to the bus stop closest to the school, and then she walked over by herself.

After learning that she lived in the school, he decisively stated that he would apply to the school to leave the dormitory, and he would come to pick her up in the future.

Li Weixi's home is far from the school. It is indeed a little far away on foot, but it only takes 10 minutes by car.

Of course Kress was willing to give the time.

Li Weixi nodded without rejecting him.

She was in the class where she stepped on, and walked into the classroom silently, and the air suddenly froze.

A girl was the first to ask, "Student... did you go to the wrong classroom?"

Li Weixi didn't wear glasses, trimmed her bangs and cut her hair short, leaving it so that it can only be loosened, her temperament is completely different, no wonder the students didn't recognize her at first sight.

Her tablemate was stunned for a moment, and asked uncertainly, "Li Weixi?"

Li Weixi nodded quietly.

Everyone in the class was dumbfounded.

Why didn't I realize that Li Weixi was so good-looking before?When she transferred to another class, she never raised her head, and her face was covered by wide glasses and long bangs. Everyone only paid attention to her flaws, and seldom paid attention to what she looked like. Some students even haven't remembered her yet. name.

——Because she is too quiet and transparent.

This scene was obviously expected by Li Weixi. She smiled at everyone in the class, picked up the chalk, and wrote on the blackboard:

I'm Li Weixi. It's a pleasure to meet you all again.

After writing, he erased it with the blackboard eraser, and quickly returned to his seat before the teacher walked in with the paper.

There are many pairs of eyes looking over.

Those who explored, those who were curious, those who questioned, sympathized, and ridiculed seemed to have disappeared, and their views on Li Weixi had improved by more than one level.

The deskmate poked Li Weixi, gave her a thumbs up, and wrote: This is very good.

Li Weixi showed her a bright smile.

The deskmate blushed.

The more she smiles, the prettier she looks. A girl like her will be bent by this face...Looking at Li Weixi's obedient appearance, I really want to hold her in my arms and ravage her QAQ...

How can you be so cute and obedient!
(End of this chapter)

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