The best playboy

Chapter 417 The Siege of Public Opinion

Chapter 417 The Siege of Public Opinion
Fang Deming and the others left in despair.Because Xu Rui had something to do, he sat down for a while and then left.

It's been a long time since we parted with Xu Rui, but Xu Rui's style is the same as before, he is still a little dandy who is vigorous and resolute.

To describe Xu Rui in one word, it is handsome.

After they had nothing to do, Ding Fan and the other three also planned to leave.The three of them found out when they went to the front desk to settle the accounts.Fang Deming had settled the money for their meals.

Ding Fan did not appreciate Fang Deming's affection, the other party was just a villain who followed the wind.

The three of them left the Phoenix Tower.

Mu Qiangsheng helped Ding Fan and Ye Ningqing find a place to live.

What Mu Qiangsheng was looking for was a hotel.Ding Fan and Ye Ningqing asked for two sets of standard rooms.

Both Ding Fan and Ye Ningqing were a little tired these two days. After solving the matter of Kuan Rena City in Myanmar, they returned to Dan City non-stop.

After settling down now, Ding Fan wanted to take a good rest.

After Ding Fan and Ye Ningqing settled down, Mu Qiangsheng left.

After Mu Qiangsheng left, Ding Fan and Ye Ningqing went back to their rooms to rest.

Ding Fan's way of rest is to practice.After returning to the room, Ding Fan swallowed a few pills, and then began to breathe out luck skills.

After entering the seventh level of Qi training, Ding Fan's muscles and bones have been better strengthened, and his meridians have become wider.In addition, Ding Fan's true energy also became more solidified.

Based on Ding Fan's current cultivation base, Ding Fan already has the strength to fight against the peak warriors at the prefecture level.

Although Ding Fan had the experience of fighting against prefecture-level pinnacles before, Ding Fan won against prefecture-level pinnacle warriors because of his experience and his reserved trump card.

Ding Fan's trump card is spells, such as fireball, wind blade, flying sword, fire blade, teleportation... if there is no assistance from these spells.

Ding Fan was probably already dead.

Ding Fan closed his eyes and circulated his zhenqi, and he did not know how many large and small circles he circulated before Ding Fan opened his eyes.At this time, the sky was already bright.

The reason why Ding Fan wanted to go back to Dan City first was because Ding Fan had his own plans.

Ding Fan is still the general manager of Dancheng branch of Qin Group.When Ding Fan left, Ding Fan had already developed the ultimate version of Wenxin Pill.

After walking for so long, Ding Fan wanted to know how the branch company is doing now.

After all, the branch office is where Ding Fan's roots lie.Ding Fan couldn't ignore it.

Ding Fan walked out of the room, and after knocking on Ye Ningqing's door, the two went outside to have a hearty breakfast together.

After breakfast, Ding Fan decided to go back to the branch office first, and Ye Ningqing also had her own arrangements today, so she couldn't be with Ding Fan.

Ding Fan didn't mind, he broke up with Ye Ningqing immediately, Ding Fan found a car directly, and then drove directly to the branch office.

After driving for about 10 minutes, I arrived at the branch office.

Along the way, looking at the street scene of Dancheng, Ding Fan felt emotional for a while.Because Zhou Ruoran lived with him in this city, seeing some of the places he and Zhou Ruoran had visited together, Ding Fan couldn't help feeling emotional for a while.

"What do you think of the many medical accidents in your company?"

"Why does Wenxin pill kill people... Is there something wrong with the formula of the medicine?"


Ding Fan had just arrived at the door, and saw the door of the branch office, which was already surrounded by a group of reporters.

At this time, in front of many reporters, Hu Jin was standing there, seeming to be answering the questions of those reporters.

Ding Fan was not in a hurry to go there at this time, but he wanted to find out what happened first.

After Ding Fan went to Yanjing, Hu Jin is now in charge of many things in the branch.

Today's Hu Jin is dressed in a capable business attire. At this time, she has a serious face, and her eyes are a little big. It seems that Hu Jin hasn't had a good night's sleep for a while.

"I'll say it again, there are a few so-called incidents in which someone died after taking the tranquilizing pills, and they are still under investigation. Please don't make wild guesses when this matter has not been fully clarified."

Hu Jin said to many reporters word by word.

"However, Deputy General Manager Hu, if the person in charge of your company has not shown up after this medical accident, could it be that he has absconded? Or..."

"I'm sorry!" Hu Jin directly interrupted the reporter's questioning before waiting for the reporter to finish speaking. "This reporter, as I said before, the general manager has his own affairs to deal with... If you continue to judge the whereabouts of our general manager, then we don't welcome you!"

Hu Jin's words were very forceful. After the people around listened to the words, after a burst of noise, no one asked about the general manager anymore.

In fact, Hu Jin was also very angry when asked about the general manager.

In the end, she, Hu Jin, is just a migrant worker, and Ding Fan, the devil in the world, is good. Once he became the general manager of the branch, he transferred himself over and appointed himself as the company's vice president. The old brothers let go of it.Now people don't even know where they are.

Now that the company has such a big incident, it can only be resolved by him, the vice president of the company.

"Deputy General Manager Hu, I am a reporter from Xinhua News Agency. I would like to ask, as a senior executive of the company, what do you think about the rumor that Wenxin Pills eat dead people?" At this time, a woman wearing gold-rimmed glasses stood Get up and say.

"I think it's inappropriate to think about this matter. I think someone is working behind the scenes to frame us..." Hu Jin looked around after talking about this. "But if I really said that, I am afraid that everyone present will think that I am shirking responsibility."

Ding Fan hid in the corner and listened to Hu Jin's eloquent talk. He was a little impressed by Hu Jin's adaptability, his seriousness in doing things, and his calmness. It seems that the part-time job guy he found as a shopkeeper at the beginning is still very good of.

At this moment, the crowd became chaotic, and then an old man squeezed into the crowd with the support of two or three children.

"You unscrupulous businessmen who have been paid thousands of dollars... I took your medicine, and it almost killed me... Friends from the press, there have been many sudden deaths after taking Wenxin pills. I took the pills at that time. After that, I passed out... If it wasn't for the timely treatment, I'm afraid I would be the same as those people, and I would have died by now..."

As soon as the old man entered the arena, the surrounding reporters pointed their cameras at the old man one after another.For a while, the flashlight flickered into a ball.

"Mister, are you the person involved?" A reporter quickly posted up and asked.

"Yes, I was the person involved. At that time, I passed out after taking a reassurance pill...I want to expose this black-hearted company!"

"Mister, what do you want to tell us..." At this moment, a reporter asked from the side.

"I want to sue this black-hearted company, a company that only knows how to make money, but doesn't care about the lives of others... Such a company, I will let him go bankrupt!" At this time, the old man waved his fist and said to the reporters around him, but But his eyes looked straight at Hu Jin on the stage.

The old man's words were like a depth bomb, and the emotions of the people around him were directly aroused by the old man.

"There have been so many medical accidents, and now they don't reflect..."

"This company should be shut down, otherwise how many people will be harmed!"

"Succeed this company! Let this company be delisted from now on!"...

For a while, everyone around talked about it.

Hu Jin's face was extremely ugly at this time.

She could answer all kinds of questions from these reporters, but she didn't know how to calm down the old man's words.

Hu Jin couldn't even question the old man's authenticity at this time.

If the authenticity of the old man is really questioned, then just public opinion can drown her, and others will say that they are deliberately evading the facts.

And the fact that the old man swallowed the Wenxin Pill and almost died was impossible to investigate.

It has been a long time, and now there is nothing to prove whether the old man has taken the reassurance...

The old man had a pitiful look on his face right now, with a simple and honest appearance, matched with the tears that fell, that's what he looked like... Everyone had completely believed every word the old man said.

Hu Jin felt powerless for a while at this time, she is really powerless now...

"Deputy General Manager Hu, may I ask... Do you feel that your conscience has been condemned after seeing this old man?"

"Deputy General Manager Hu, when you are making money, have you ever thought about what will happen to patients after taking your medicine..."

At this time, some reporters, after seeing the pitiful appearance of the old man, stood up out of righteous indignation and accused Hu Jin.

Hu Jin frowned.Looking at the reporters around, Hu Jin knew that after today, the Dancheng branch might really be coming to an end...

There is a crisis of confidence, who else will trust them?They can only go to perish...

"Everyone be quiet..." At this moment, a voice came from the side.

The sound was not loud, but it clearly sent the sound to everyone's ears.After hearing this voice, the people present really fell silent.

When Hu Jin heard this voice, she was taken aback.

"The Devil King of the World? The Devil King of the World is back..."

The person walking towards the stage at this moment, who else could it be if it wasn't Ding Fan...

Ding Fan could see from the stage that if he didn't come out, Hu Jin would really be out of control...

(End of this chapter)

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