Chapter 426
Mu Qiangsheng's illness was very strange, and neither the hospital's equipment nor experts could understand his illness.

There is nothing wrong with his body, but he is just unconscious.Later, Mu Qiangsheng's condition worsened and he suffered from heart failure...

This is the first time Dr. Chen has seen such a disease. He doesn't believe that someone else can treat someone he can't cure.

Everyone stood guard outside the ward for about two hours.

During this period, Mu Qiangsheng vomited several times in the room, and a stench of stench was constantly wafting from the ward to the outside.

After another half an hour, under the anxious waiting of everyone, the door of the ward opened.

Ding Fan came out of the ward, Ding Fan looked a little tired at this time.

Rescuing Mu Qiangsheng was a waste of Ding Fan's energy.You must know that it is to sort out a person's meridians, and then expel all the viruses.

"How is my son's illness?"

Seeing Ding Fan come out, Ye Ningqing's aunt hurriedly walked over.asked with a concerned face.

"His illness has been cured, let him pay more attention to rest in the past two days, and make up for his body." Ding Fan said lightly.

"What? It's cured?" Ye Ningqing's aunt stood there in a daze, and even wondered if her ears had heard it wrong.

" mean, Johnson is already healed? And already awake?" Ye Ningqing's aunt asked.

Ding Fan nodded his head as an answer.

After Ye Ningqing's aunt regained her composure, she strode into the ward.

At this time, Doctor Chen who was beside him also hurriedly followed into the ward.

Dr. Chen really wanted to see if Mu Qiangsheng's illness was really cured.

Doctor Chen walked into the ward, when a pungent stench came over his nostrils.Dr. Chen didn't care about this at the moment, he looked directly at Mu Qiangsheng who was sitting on the hospital bed.

Although Mu Qiangsheng's face was still a bit ugly at this time, his eyes were already bright.

Unexpectedly... actually woke up!
Dr. Chen looked at Mu Qiangsheng who had woken up and was shocked for a while.You know, before, Mu Qiangsheng had been in a coma. Dr. Chen had used many methods, but none of them could wake Mu Qiangsheng up.

But now, Mu Qiangsheng woke up unexpectedly.

"Do an examination on the patient." Dr. Chen said to the nurses and doctors who followed.

After Dr. Chen made arrangements, several nurses and doctors got busy.

"Heartbeat is normal..."

"Respiratory pulse is normal..."


As the normal reports came out one by one, the shock in Doctor Chen's heart was even worse.Two hours ago, this Mu Qiangsheng was dying, but now, Mu Qiangsheng has not only woken up, but also regained his health...

Doctor Chen looked at Ding Fan who was at the side.

What kind of person is this?This method is so powerful that the hospital's advanced equipment and experts can't solve the disease, but it was directly solved by others in two hours.

If he didn't see it with his own eyes, how could he believe what happened before his eyes? !
"Son, how are you feeling now?" At this moment, Ye Ningqing's aunt was sitting by the hospital bed, looking at Mu Qiangsheng with concern.

Now that Mu Jianjun is under quarantine, she and her son depend on each other for life. If something happens to her son at this time, then she really doesn't have the courage to live.

"Mom...I'm much better now...I'm worrying you..." Mu Qiangsheng looked at his mother with red eyes beside the hospital bed, and said with some distress.

A mother and son experienced life and death. Seeing this scene, the crowd watching couldn't help their noses sour.

Ding Fan did not stay here any longer.

After what happened with Mu Qiangsheng, Ding Fan vaguely felt that Qian Shiwang had a great relationship with Yuanfang Group.

Before Qian Shiwang launched the mutated smallpox virus, which eventually led to the epidemic rampant in Dancheng. The former mayor of Dancheng, Mu Jianjun, the father of Mu Qiangsheng, was also quarantined for inspection because of the epidemic and because of the crime of dereliction of duty. .

Later, after Qian Shiwang came to power, the first thing he did was to cooperate with Yuanfang Group, and the smallpox virus was suppressed in a very short time.

If it is said that Yuanfang Group has nothing to do with Qian Shiwang, Ding Fan will definitely not believe it.

But this time, Qian Shiwang played more ruthlessly, and even raised the plague virus body on Mu Qiangsheng's body. Once the plague virus spreads, it will definitely cure the disease. I am afraid that it will not be long before Dancheng will become a dead city.

If the smallpox virus was released before to drive Mu Jianjun out of power, what about this time?This time he is now the mayor of Dan City, why does he still release the mutated virus of the plague now?
Ding Fan wanted to know what Qian Shiwang was going to do this time.

After Ding Fan left the hospital, he planned to go to Qian Shiwang's house to find out the details.

Ding Fan called Xu Rui, but Xu Rui quickly told Ding Fan Qian Shiwang's address.

After all, Xu Rui is someone who has been playing in the noble circle for many years. It is not difficult for Xu Rui to find out the positions of these high-level leaders.

Ding Fan immediately found the location of Qian Shiwang's house according to what Xu Rui said.

The Qian family has an independent two-story villa in the west of Dancheng.Generally speaking, Qian Shiwang usually lives here.

Ding Fan found a car, but he found the Qian family's villa very quickly. In order not to attract the attention of others, Ding Fan stopped the car at a distance.

The Qin family's villa looks very ordinary from the outside.It is a simple two-story building with a small courtyard, and the overall look is simple.

Ding Fan did not rashly enter Qian Shiwang's house. Before Ding Fan, Qian Shiwang had some relationship with Wan Mozong, so there would inevitably be warriors around Qian Shiwang's house to protect him.

After a burst of spiritual exploration, Ding Fan really discovered the clue.

In every corner of Qian Shiwang's house, some pinhole cameras are arranged.These cameras can accurately feed back the situation around the villa to the main station.

In addition to these pinhole cameras, Ding Fan even discovered some magic circles.

There are some warning formations densely covered outside the villa, if outsiders touch the formations carelessly, then the people inside will find out immediately.

Another pinhole camera, and these magic circles again.The whole villa looks ordinary, but the precautions are so strict.

Ding Fan immediately found a place where no one was around, and put the invisibility pearl in his mouth directly.

With this invisibility bead, it will not be discovered by those pinhole cameras.As for the other magic circles in the courtyard.Ding Fan didn't care too much.

Ding Fan's cultivation base is there, and when he was in the realm of self-cultivation, Ding Fan has studied the formation very well, so the formation outside can't help Ding Fan.

Ding Fan was fully enlightened all the way, but he quickly found the eye of the formation outside.

Ding Fan walked along the formation.Until Ding Fan walked into the villa, there was no alarm from the formation...

After entering the gate of the villa, Ding Fan walked directly into the villa with a big swagger.

There was no one on the first floor of the villa.And on the second floor.Ding Fan found someone.

In the master bedroom, there is a man and woman who are making a fuss there.

Ding Fan was not interested in the couple, so Ding Fan directly searched around the building with his spiritual sense, and soon Ding Fan found the entrance of a secret passage.

The entrance is connected to a relatively large space underground.The main station of the entire villa surveillance system is there.In this relatively large space, there are three or four people.

Ding Fan didn't realize that Qian Shiwang dug such a secret room to hide the main station of the surveillance system. Under this tunnel, there must be Qian Shiwang's very important secrets.

Ding Fan hesitated at the entrance of the secret passage, he was thinking about how to enter this secret passage.

After all, there were still people on the second floor. Although they were still having sex, they would inevitably startle each other after making noise downstairs.

And just as Ding Fan was pondering, the entrance to the secret path was opened directly.

The sound of the entrance to the secret passage opening was loud, creaking...

After the man and woman upstairs heard the voice downstairs, the two of them got off the bed in a tumbling and crawling manner.

After the door of the secret passage was opened, a middle-aged man with a slightly burly figure came out of the secret passage with big strides. At this time, there was another old man who looked to be in his 60s closely following there. behind the man.

The burly man came out of the secret passage and strode towards the master bedroom.

At this time, Ding Fan could see something clearly from the reaction of the couple in the master bedroom.

The man and woman were obviously having an affair, and the man and woman obviously didn't know about the secret passage downstairs, otherwise, how could these two people have such a bold affair together.

"Big Brother...Big Brother...I...I was wrong..."

The burly man walked into the master bedroom, and then there was a man begging for mercy.

"You two, it's a good thing to do..."

Papa... There was a slap in the face from the master bedroom.

"Brother,'s this **** who seduced me. Big brother, I'm your own younger brother... If it wasn't for the bastard sister-in-law who hooked me up, how could I do something that I'm sorry for big brother."

"Are you... are you **** still a man?"...

After the man and woman argued for a while, the burly man said coldly to the two of them. "You two get dressed and come find me below!"

After the burly man finished speaking, he went directly downstairs, and then sat down on the sofa in the living room.

The old man who was following behind the burly man sat directly beside the burly man.At this time, Ding Fan admired the burly man a little. His wife was having an affair with someone else, but he was still able to maintain such calmness.

"Shiwang, it's still time to employ people..."

The old man originally wanted to persuade Qian Shiwang, but before the old man finished speaking, Qian Shiwang said directly in a low voice.


(End of this chapter)

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