The best playboy

Chapter 465 Chapter 507 I Come to Represent

Chapter 465 Chapter [-] I Come to Represent
After Ding Fan finished speaking, Li Feng on the side was very winking and hurriedly said what Ding Fan said in the Japanese language again.

How dare that middle-aged man shout.

Ding Fan's palm was like a pair of steel pliers directly stuck on the man's neck.The man had great difficulty breathing, and his face turned red from holding back for a moment.

The middle-aged man could clearly feel that if he really yelled, the other party would definitely screw his head off immediately.

"I'm not calling... Please relax, I can't take it anymore." The middle-aged man whispered in Wajima Mandarin.

Li Feng on the side translated the middle-aged man's words, and Ding Fan weakened the strength in his hand a lot.

" are humans or ghosts..."

The middle-aged man turned his head to see Ding Fan's face clearly, but what surprised him was that he could clearly feel that he was being held by the neck, but he couldn't see him at all.

For a moment, the eyes of the middle-aged man were full of terror.

How did the middle-aged man know that Ding Fan used the invisibility technique, and Li Feng beside him also used the invisibility bead.Both of them are in a state of invisibility, so they can't be seen.

"Where is the potion for the super soldier you are researching?" Ding Fan asked.

Li Feng immediately translated what Ding Fan said to the middle-aged man.

"Super Soldier Potion... No... I don't know..." The middle-aged man began to tremble unconsciously when he heard the words Super Soldier Potion.

"If you don't say anything, I don't mind wringing your head off..." Ding Fan's tone was very calm.

After listening to Li Feng's translation of Ding Fan's words, the middle-aged man trembled violently.

"I... I really can't tell you... If I say it, not only will I die, but my family will definitely be implicated..."

"Then I don't mind beheading you right now. I believe that even if you don't tell me, with so many people in this laboratory, I can always find someone who will." Ding Fan said.

Ding Fan's words worked.

The middle-aged man didn't doubt what Ding Fan said at all. He believed that a strong man like Ding Fan who could come here in disguise must be able to say what he said.

So, after pondering for a while, the middle-aged man pointed to a small blue test tube on the test bench.

"This is the semi-finished product of the Super Soldier Potion..."

Ding Fan walked over and immediately picked up the blue potion.As long as he got this medicine right now, Asahi Pharmaceutical Factory would be considered over.

The medicine of this super soldier is a biochemical weapon.This is strictly prohibited production and research and development all over the world.

As long as this drug is obtained, not to mention the Asahi Pharmaceutical Factory, even the Hawks and the Japanese island government will be greatly impacted.

"!@#¥%...&*" Not long after Ding Fan accepted the potion.Two patrol officers in uniform walked into the middle-aged man's laboratory.



Because Ding Fan didn't understand Japanese, the two patrolling men and the middle-aged man didn't know what to say.

At this time, Ding Fan's right hand turned into a blade. As long as the middle-aged man made any misconduct, Ding Fan would directly kill him.

However, after chatting with the middle-aged man, the two patrolling people left the laboratory directly. Judging from the situation, the middle-aged man did not betray them.

"Brother Fan, he didn't tell those two patrolling men about our presence here." Li Feng who was at the side said to Ding Fan.

Ding Fan nodded.

At that moment, Ding Fan's right hand touched the back of the middle-aged man's head without warning.Ding Fan just touched it, and the middle-aged man's body went limp, and then fell to the ground with a thud.

After Ding Fan knocked the middle-aged man unconscious, he directly threw some on the table to the ground, and at the same time Ding Fan threw a fireball.

In just an instant, the middle-aged man's laboratory caught fire.

The fire spread quickly, and within an instant, piercing fire alarms sounded in the underground laboratory.

"Let's go!" Ding Fan directly pulled Li Feng aside, and the two took advantage of the chaos to rush outside.

The main reason why Ding Fan set this fire was that he didn't want others to know that he took away the super soldier potion.

Ding Fan created the illusion that the middle-aged man passed out and accidentally touched the test liquid, and with that fire, even if this bottle of super soldier's potion was missing, no one would doubt it.

The fun has not yet begun.The less the opponent knows how many hole cards they have, the greater their chances of winning.

Because of the fire in the basement, the whole scene was noisy. Taking advantage of the chaos, Ding Fan escaped from Zhaori Pharmaceutical Factory with Li Feng without being noticed by others...

And Li Feng was dumbfounded. With such tight guards, Ding Fan got the potion as if he was taking something out of his own pocket...

Sure enough, a strong life needs no explanation...


Two days later, Huaxia Guodan City.

Today is the opening day of the sales meeting for the ultimate version of Wenxin Pills at Jiangyuan Pharmaceutical Factory, a subsidiary of Dancheng Branch.

At this time, Dan City, a city that is difficult for second-tier people to squeeze into, suddenly became the focus of the whole world.

In a very short period of time, a large number of foreigners poured into Dancheng...

The hotels in Dancheng are full!The small hotels in Dancheng are full!

Even some daily rented houses were full!
The sole purpose of all the people who come to Dancheng is to buy the ultimate version of Wenxinwan.

The first batch of Wenxin Pill Ultimate Edition was sold, and it has been well received by everyone.A pill that really does cure heart disease.

However, Jiangyuan Pharmaceutical Factory strictly controlled the sales of Wenxin Pills, and once sold only [-] pills a year.

Although the price of the ultimate version of Wenxin Pill is 20 US dollars.The price on the black market has gone from $80 to $[-] now.However, since heart disease can indeed be cured, the rich don't care about the money.

This time, Jiangyuan Pharmaceutical Factory, a subsidiary of the branch company, will sell the ultimate version of Wenxin Pills as soon as it is announced.Suddenly the whole world was boiling, some big consortiums, even the royal family specially sent people to buy pills.

At this time, the door of the Dancheng branch.

This is the place where the sales meeting was held. At this time, the entrance of the branch office was already crowded with people, and the entrance of the branch office was completely blocked by the media alone.

Just judging from the battle of media interviews, it is very powerful!

In addition to the media, what is more objective is the long queue of people queuing up.These people are all looking for the ultimate version of Wenxin Pill.Many people have already started queuing up three days ago.

Wenxin Pill Ultimate Edition, this thing is very precious, even if you have money, you may not be able to buy it.What's the point of queuing too much.

"Sister Jin. Today is the opening day of the sales fair, will Mr. Ding come back?" At this time, Ning Luoxi frowned and said.

It was already nine o'clock in the morning.There is less than an hour until the final opening.

At this time, the outside was already full of media and people waiting to buy Wenxin Pills.

Now that the branch office is being targeted by the World Red Cross Society, if someone from the World Red Cross Society comes to make trouble, and if Ding Fan is not there, the two women will be really difficult to deal with.

Hu Jin talked about the time. "Boss Ding said that he will definitely come back today."

"But there's not much time left until the opening ceremony!" Ning Luoxi said aside.

"Wait a minute, since Boss Ding promised to come back, I think he will definitely come back, maybe it's almost here now." Hu Jin comforted Ning Luoxi who was on the side.

Ning Luoxi nodded slightly. "Well, I hope so."

"Mr. Hu, it's not good. People from the Dancheng Red Cross Society are here. The other party is coming very aggressively." At this moment, an employee ran in from the outside.

"Where are they now?" Hu Jin has calmed down now.The more we come to such a crisis, the more we cannot mess up. If there is a mess, then everything will be ruined.

"People from the Red Cross Society in the city have been stopped by our people now," the employee said.

"Sister Jin, what should we do now?" Ning Luoxi asked aside.

"There is nothing to be afraid of. Soldiers come to cover up the water and soil...Since there are already guests, we naturally have to go to greet them."

After Hu Jin finished speaking, she walked directly outside.

At this time, Hu Jin's back is full of determination, and there is unyielding and tenacity in that back!
Ning Luoxi took a deep breath. "I'm not afraid of you, so come on..."

At that moment, Ning Luoxi followed Hu Jin and chased him all the way out...


Just as Hu Jin walked out of the company, she saw a group of people blocked by security guards.

These people who were blocked outside the crowd were all very well-dressed, and their aura was not vulgar. It is not difficult to see that these people's backgrounds are not weak.

"You are the vice president of the branch, right? I'm Jin Qingdong, the president of the Dancheng Red Cross Society. I want to see the general manager of your branch." A middle-aged man with a curly hair said in a strong manner.

"It's inconvenient for the general manager to see you now. If you have anything, please tell me." Hu Jin said calmly.

Dabei looked at Hu Jin briefly, curled his mouth, and said with a cold snort. "It seems that your general manager is really ashamed to face people, and even sent a female class out to deal with the situation."

Hu Jin frowned slightly. From the other party's words, it was not difficult to hear that the other party didn't take herself seriously at all.

"Please pay attention to your words, or I will sue you for defamation..." Hu Jin said without giving in.

Dabei was stunned, but he didn't expect such a beautiful woman as Hu Jin to speak so calmly.

"Okay, since that's the case, then I'll talk to you, the vice president." Da Beitou paused deliberately when he said this, and then raised his voice. "You should be aware of the recent attack by the World Red Cross on Wen Xin Wan."

"I know, so what?" Hu Jin said lightly...

"Shame on you, shame on yourself, don't bring all of us to Chinese medicine, bring all of our Huaxia people!" Dabeitou said!

(End of this chapter)

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