Chapter 815 Nothing

At any rate, they were a couple who had lived for many years. When they learned that Zhou Chunying had passed, Ning Bohai still went back to the hospital, but the hospital couldn't continue to stay there, so he took him back to his hometown overnight.

Going home doesn't mean it's over.

Who doesn't know that Ning Bohai has a lot of money now?

The donation of more than 300 million plus the compensation, that is a family property of more than 400 million. For ordinary people, it may not be possible to earn so much money in a lifetime.

So as soon as relatives and friends learned that he was going back, they immediately came to the door.

Some have children who want to build a house and want to borrow tens of thousands of dollars for use; some have children who want to go to school and want to get tens of thousands of working capital; or they just want to start a business and hope he can invest...

Ning Bohai made up his mind to keep this money for his eldest son, so his attitude was very firm and he would never borrow it!
As soon as he refused to borrow money, the attitude of relatives changed immediately.

"You got more than 400 million without conscience. We big guys are not happy to borrow tens of thousands. Are you guilty?"

"Hmph, don't come to us for anything in the future, you've become a rich man, and you probably don't think much of us poor relatives!"

"If you want me to say, it's not wrong for others to scold you. It's right that your Xiaohui was arrested in an accident!"

Ning Bohai always cares about face, what happened recently has already broken his bottom line, now when he heard these words again, his face became even redder, and he kicked him out of the house angrily.

After this rush, the Ning family was completely quiet.

Ning Bohai's job has long been gone, not to mention Zhou Chunying. Now Ning Bohai can only watch over his wife to live, and when he goes out, he has to endure other people's eyes. It's okay for a big man to take care of someone occasionally, but let him serve Zhou Chunying alone every day, which is somewhat powerless, so Zhou Chunying's life is not easy.

She couldn't use any strength in her body, she couldn't control her urine, and Ning Bohai didn't know how to take care of her, so within two days, the house was already smelly, Ning Bohai couldn't bear to pay for a nurse, and there was no hospital at home. Good environment, so this day is not as good as one day.

Ning Bohai is rich, so many people want to attract his attention.

There are also quite a few people who pay attention to him secretly, and for the sake of this money, they do a lot of inquiries and homework.

Two or three months later, Ning Bohai received a call. The person on the other end of the phone said that he was his son's inmate. The two of them ran off together. The police are looking for them now. If they are caught back, the punishment will be heavier, so Contact Ning Bohai and ask him to prepare money to hide in other places for a few years.

Ning Bohai didn't believe it at first, but he couldn't get in touch with his son, and when he heard that the other party described Ning Hui's affairs very carefully, he panicked.

These days, he lived in a muddle, his brain was not working well, and the person on the other end of the phone hurriedly urged Ning Bohai to transfer all the money to him, wanting his son to go to a remote place to avoid the limelight. Come back in a few years.

But as soon as the money was transferred away, I couldn't be contacted anymore.

It was only then that Ning Bohai realized that he had been cheated, he vomited blood in anger, and went to the police with a glimmer of hope, but the police knew him too, and his money had come from a wrong source, so the police searched for it but found nothing. Too much attention.

Without money, the life of the couple is even more difficult.

Ning Bohai's health was also getting worse. When he thought of his son and money, he couldn't do anything but drink to relieve his worries. Every time he drank too much, the punches fell on Zhou Chunying.

In his opinion, it was Zhou Chunying who didn't know how to raise children, and it was fine to raise Si Yue, an adopted daughter, into a white-eyed wolf. She didn't even know how to teach her own daughter, and married an unvirtuous wife, so she ended up with nothing!

(End of this chapter)

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