Chapter 820 Signing Party

As far as the publishing situation is concerned, every time the book is printed, it is almost sold out. Among the authors on the entire website, it is definitely the number one.

You know, the novels she wrote don't rely solely on imagination, but also rely on the effect of the space training ground, so the characters and scenes portrayed are full of a sense of substitution, much better than the writing written for fun in the previous life, with this achievement , is also completely reasonable.

"I don't know much about game copyrights, and I believe websites won't lose money." Si Yue said directly.

[Tu Yao]: "Atmospheric, anyway, in order to keep you, our website will definitely not let you suffer, don't worry! It's a new article... You don't want to change jobs and go to other places, do you?"

"No, I've been busy recently, so I haven't decided what to write yet."

Seeing this answer, Tu Yao heaved a sigh of relief.

The reason why he urged so much was because he was afraid that Youyou Baozi would be poached by other websites. You must know that there are a lot of diehard fans of Youyou Baozi at present, and they have a good reputation. Most of them are other websites who want to poach her, so In order to keep the butter buns, the website will give up benefits step by step.

Of course, the benefits brought by butter buns are greater, a stable reader base, and a good reputation, that is the golden sign of their website.

[Tu Yao]: "For a good work, you must think about it slowly. As long as you don't change jobs, then don't worry, but I miss your horror novels a little bit. The more important thing is to watch it once and then, thinking about the plot inside, I still have goosebumps all over my body, brother, you haven’t really seen anything unclean, have you…”

Speaking of "The Mystery of Blood Soul", Si Yue herself felt a chill down her back.

"I won't write about horror themes in the next book. I'm not in good spirits and can't keep up." Si Yue said hastily.

When she wrote the horror novel, she experienced the horror scene in the training ground, and she absolutely didn't want to do it again!
[Tu Yao]: "That's fine. Your writing style can handle any subject matter. I'm not worried at all. However, can you tell me what you do? Our website has an annual meeting at the end of the year. Do you want to come? Your book But you have won several awards, and there are readers who want to see you, so..."

"Annual meeting?" Si Yue was taken aback.

[Tu Yao]: "Yeah, isn't your book still published? What the website and the publishing house mean is that if you have little time, you can hold a signing event during the annual meeting, so that readers Know, are you round or flat."

"Can the signing event increase sales?" Si Yue asked.

[Slaughter Demon]: "Of course! Other published authors, as long as they are somewhat famous, even if they are funded by themselves, they have held signing parties, but you are always offline. The editor at the publishing house wants to ask you to arrange I can't get in touch either... It stands to reason that this matter should have been arranged long ago."

"Oh, the signing event..." Si Yue thought for a while, "I won't go to the annual meeting. You can collect the awards for me, and the bonus will be credited directly to the account. As for the signing can be arranged."

She knew that this autograph session was also a means of sales, just like she had to participate in publicity when she was filming, it was the same reason.

Earning more money is also a bit emboldened, and half of the money from selling books goes to charitable foundations.

As for whether her actor's identity will be revealed...

Si Yue is not worried about this at all. After all, it is a good thing that a book can be published. She doesn't mind adding a halo to herself.

(End of this chapter)

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