Chapter 838 Buying You Out

Xia Ziqi grabbed Si Yue's arm and didn't let go, he smirked: "I don't care, sister, you can just teach me, as much as I can learn is my ability, whether it is useful or not will be discussed later!"

Si Yue couldn't help laughing, she had nothing to do with Xia Ziqi.

I don't know if it's because of the blood relationship that made her feel that getting along with Xia Ziqi is very natural, even when facing Xia Ziqi's acting like a baby, she doesn't feel embarrassed or uncomfortable.

After solving the danger, Si Yue soon found the talented screenwriter.

The other party is currently living in a rented house, and the location is not good. Most of the people living nearby are young people who have come to the capital to struggle. This Guliang lives in the basement, which is opaque, and the room has a musty smell.

Si Yue came to the door suddenly, and the other party was shocked when he saw it.

"Si, Siyue?" How could he not recognize a famous star?

"Gu Liang? My agent had contacted you online before, but I think it's more appropriate to meet you in person, so I came here uninvited." Si Yue said politely.

The other party was a little embarrassed: "Please, please come in..."

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly tidied up the stools and clothes in the room.

Xia Ziqi's siblings had never been to this kind of place, and they peeked around, making Gu Liang even more embarrassed. After being glared at by Si Yue, the two stayed obediently and obediently.

"Excuse me... did you like the script I posted on the Internet?" Gu Liang asked with some confusion.

"It is, but not entirely." Si Yue continued straightforwardly, "I've taken a fancy to you. Frankly speaking, I hope you can sign a contract with my studio and write scripts for me in the future. I want to buy you out."

She had thought about this for a long time, but she never had the chance before.

When Gu Liang heard this, he was startled: "Me? I'm not famous... Now I haven't filmed any famous drama..."

What he wrote has indeed been broadcast, but he is not well-known. After others bought his script, all kinds of dislikes were added to it, and the whole plot became someone else's in a blink of an eye.

Things like copyright are for the powerful. No matter if he is cheated or suffered a loss, no one cares about him. If he wants to continue messing around, he can't even file a lawsuit. He will offend his seniors. They, even if they fight, may not win.

That's why he was so shocked when Si Yue came to him right now!

"It doesn't matter. I know you are a talented person. In this way, you should think about it carefully. If you are willing to sign a contract with me, in the future, any play you write will have the right to choose to buy it within a year after I have watched it. As long as I like it, I will give you a very fair price. The authorship and copyright are yours. If you don’t like it, you can choose to sell this movie to others after one year. Recommended by talented people I know. If I have seen the work and think it is okay, you can form a team and work together... In short, I will never treat you badly. Of course, given the current situation of my studio, I want to shoot it as soon as possible. It's a bit difficult to get a work, but I believe it won't take too long. Also... Since I'm buying you out, I will give you a satisfactory signing price to ensure that you have enough funds to adjust your time for creation What do you think?" Si Yue said again.

Gu Liang was a little restless. He had to say that if a stranger said these words, he would think that the other party must be a liar.

But this is Si Yue...

It's impossible for a famous star to make fun of him, right?

 See you tomorrow~ Hey, I changed the word today~
(End of this chapter)

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