Chapter 1144
Mrs. Gao saw that Jiang Caiyue understood, and said again: "Just now, the younger siblings from the empress's natal family are notoriously silent. If they said something unpleasant, Madam Lu should not take it to heart."

"Well, don't take it seriously, besides, she didn't say anything outrageous." In contrast, Jiang Caiyue felt that it was more exaggerated for her to say that her scented powder smelled like mosquito smokers?
Mrs. Gao came over and said a few words to Jiang Caiyue, which has already attracted the attention of the people there. Smart people stand aside and just look at it, but some people want to show it in front of Concubine Hui. A powerful wife with a marriageable girl who is not looking for her in-laws, her family is powerful, if she betrothed her daughter to His Highness the Eighth Prince, she would become a crown princess in the future, and a queen after the death of the emperor.

Concubine Hui is cowardly, so there is no need to be afraid of her meddling in the internal affairs of the Eighth Prince's Mansion, as long as she is married, she will be happy, and such a good thing cannot be left behind.

And looking at Concubine Hui's appearance, she is very disliked by Mrs. Lu, so if they do what they like, they will be able to win Concubine Hui's favor.

A few women got up and came over, and greeted Mrs. Gao with a smile, "Sister Bai, I haven't seen you for a while, are you chatting with Mrs. Lu here?"

"Speaking of which, we haven't talked to Mrs. Lu, so why don't sister Bai introduce us?"

Mrs. Gao smiled and said to Jiang Caiyue: "This is Mrs. Xu, this is Mrs. Yu, and this is Mrs. Liu..."

Jiang Caiyue responded to the introductions one by one, but Mrs. Gao's introduction made several wives a little dissatisfied, "Sister Bai is a real person, you only say our surnames, how can Mrs. Lu know where we are when she just came to the capital?" Family? Let us introduce ourselves, Mrs. Lu, my husband is Xu Yuanzhi, Minister of the Ministry of Officials."

Mrs. Xu is a woman in her 40s. She is well-maintained and well-dressed. She is elegant and reveals the beauty of details. She looks plain, but she is obviously a powerful master.

Jiang Caiyue nodded to Mrs. Xu, "It's a pleasure to meet you!"

"My husband is Yu Zhengping, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs. I passed a message to Madam Lu a while ago. Unfortunately, the servants in the house said that Madam Lu was busy farming and had no time to spare."

Mrs. Yu is much younger, she looks less than 100. Obviously, the Minister of the Household Department cannot be so young. If this person is not a concubine, he is a concubine. That's right, the words that she just opened her mouth were full of thorns, Jiang Caiyue looked at her twice, and said with a smile: "Yes, the family is busy, the emperor granted more than [-] hectares of land some time ago, and my husband and wife are married again. When you come to the capital, you don’t need a lot of people, so you can only do everything yourself, besides farming, you also need to raise fish. Recently, I am busy participating in the pharmacist competition, so I really have a lot of time. Haha, ladies, don’t get me wrong, I mean fish farming It's not that the ornamental fish you raise in your mansion are all used to eat meat in exchange for money. Well, speaking of it, I also envy the wives who can embroider flowers in the backyard, play with the birds, take care of the housekeeper in their spare time, and gossiping together. But my husband and I work so hard, and when we are free, we panic."

Although Jiang Caiyue didn't scold anyone, what she said inside and outside the meaning was that the few of them had nothing to do, so they just loved Dong's parents and Xi's family and gossiped.

Mrs. Xu and Mrs. Yu obviously changed their faces, and Mrs. Liu, who hadn't started introducing herself, immediately sank, "I said that dog meat can't be served at the table, you have to lower your status to make friends with her, I'll go first, If you stay here, you may be ridiculed for being tasteless."

(End of this chapter)

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