Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 1149 Her medical skills are not so amazing

Chapter 1149 Her medical skills are not so amazing

Many officials' mansions sent servants to help put out the fire, including Gao's family members. Seeing Gao Yingnan's arrival, the servants of Gao Xiang's mansion came to report the details. Jiang Caiyue listened quietly, saying that it was the first time. The fire broke out in a shop selling mats. The fire broke out for some reason, and the fire burned the shop in an instant. When it was found that the fire was big, more than a dozen shops had already been burned. When the people around came to put out the fire, hundreds of shops, large and small, had already been burned.

Rather than saying that the fire was extinguished, it would be better to say that the entire street was burned up, and there was nothing to burn, so it gradually died down.

How many people were burned to death in this fire is not yet known, there are more than 300 people who were burned, many of them were woken up in their sleep, and it was too late to run away.There are thousands of homeless people.

Jiang Caiyue and Gao Yingnan went to see the burnt people. Fortunately, most of the burns were not serious. Many of them had their hair and beard burnt off, and a few people were so badly injured that they were lying there unconscious.

After Jiang Caiyue told how to use the burn medicine, she distributed the burn medicine. They were all used by people with serious burns, and secretly added some space water to their drinking water, hoping that they could save their lives. But with such a serious injury, even if the person survives, the future will be difficult. Although the medical skills she learned in space are far superior to this era, they still can't achieve life and death, flesh and bones, and maybe one day in the future. But not now.

As for those whose burns are not too serious, we can only endure it first.

While treating these people, Jiang Caiyue explained to Gao Yingnan the first aid and treatment methods for burns and some precautions. Gao Yingnan eagerly followed her to learn, absorbing medical knowledge from Jiang Caiyue like a sponge Knowledge, compared with more than half a year ago, Gao Yingnan at this time is much more mature, and her knowledge of medicine is also much more solid, which makes Jiang Caiyue have to look at her with admiration.

It was not until noon that all the wounded were treated. Someone over there had already found out that 47 people were burnt to death, and two of them died of serious injuries after being rescued.This number is not an exaggeration for Jiang Caiyue. After all, in the last days, she has seen a lot of things like a city being destroyed casually. With a population of billions, there will be hundreds of millions left in a few months. Human lives are in her hands. It seems that it is just a number. Although there will be sympathy and pity, it is not enough to say how to grieve for the dead.

But Gao Yingnan couldn't control her emotions for a while after hearing this. Fortunately, the little girl adjusted herself well, so she didn't cry in the end.

As for the resettlement of the victims, it is not their business, and the court is not a decoration. Baili Hanfeng has sent people to put out the fire since midnight when he knew about the fire, and sent people to resettle the people affected by the disaster. Most of the injuries were too serious or there were family members here to treat them. Most of them have been taken to the resettlement area, but everyone is very confused about the future.

The cause of the fire is still being investigated. The shop selling mats has been completely burned down, and the owner of the shop has also been burned to death. There were originally seven people in the family, and now only one person is staying at a neighbor's house after playing at a neighbor's house last night. child.

At this time, the five or six-year-old child was sitting next to the charred corpse of his family member, crying so loudly that his voice became hoarse.But the fire started from his house, killing so many people and leaving so many people homeless, although some people felt sorry for him, no one came up to persuade him.

So what?Can you take him back to raise him?
(End of this chapter)

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