Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 1165 Compliment Me!Praise me!

Chapter 1165 Compliment Me!Praise me!
After coming out of Doctor Bai, Lu Anlang kept silent. Jiang Caiyue didn't know whether he was thinking about the rich man Jiang and his group entering Beijing, or Lu Laoqi, so she didn't say anything to disturb him.

The first half of the preliminary competition outside has already been carried out, and there are thousands of doctors who have come to participate in the competition. After a short period of time, only a thousand or so people have been counted down, and the rest of them began to feel uneasy.

As far as Jiang Caiyue observes, there are not no self-confident people, but most of them are a little anxious. These are because they are not solid in medical skills. In fact, most of them come to participate in the competition to see the world.

Before passing by a thatched hut, I heard a few people gather in one place to talk loudly, talking about medical principles that Lu Anlang couldn't stand, "These people dare to treat people? Are they not afraid of putting them to death? You think these people are big bosses?" What is it that comes from afar to enter the contest?"

"Maybe it's to become famous, maybe it's to meet the world, maybe it's to make friends with powerful people?" Jiang Caiyue took a cursory glance, and these people were holding the signs of passing the preliminary round, apparently a little carried away after passing , How can such a person be able to concentrate on medical skills with peace of mind?
Of course, there are also some people who deliberately hide tricks to mislead others, but if they mislead others about medical skills, this person's character is not very good.She secretly made a note of these people, if any of the last few people made it to the finals, she would use Lu Anlang's power to get them out, and she couldn't let them ruin the profession of a doctor.

Lu Anlang thought it made sense, but originally he thought that the pharmacist competition should be a high-level competition, but after watching the preliminary competition, he felt that it was a mixed bag, and he lost the mood to continue watching.

However, among the people who can be retained in the preliminary competition, there may be some mediocre people, but obviously there should be some excellent doctors, but if he is replaced, he will not be interested in comparing his medical skills with such a group of people.

Of course, there may be some people who don't know much about the competition before, and like Jiang Caiyue, they are eager to try when they hear about the pharmacist competition. There should be some really capable people among these people. I hope that tomorrow's competition will not disappoint them.

The couple had no interest in staying any longer. It just so happened that this place was not far from their field. It was better to drop by to have a look at the land than to stay here. Not far away, I heard someone shouting: "Sister Caiyue."

Turning around, she saw Gao Yingnan running towards her with a sign in her hand, followed by Qiling closely behind her.

Gao Yingnan ran over with a smiling face, and a few streaks of sweat could still be seen on her face. Fortunately, she didn't apply makeup, otherwise she would have a disfigured face.

"Sister Caiyue, I passed the first round of the competition, please praise me! Please praise me!"

Jiang Caiyue rolled her eyes angrily, "Anyway, you have learned medical skills from me for a few days and read so many medical books. If you fail the first round, don't tell others that I taught you."

Gao Yingnan just laughed, "It's been a while since I've eaten the delicious food made by Sister Caiyue. Why don't you choose a day to hit the sun? Sister Caiyue celebrates for me?"

Jiang Caiyue scratched her pretty nose, "Little greedy cat, what do you want to eat?"

Gao Yingnan said: "It's too hot, let's eat something light. It's a pity that we're not in the city. My family hid a lot of ice last winter, and I can eat a few pieces every day in the house."

"Girl's family should eat less cold food, it is not good for the body."

"But it's too hot, what should I do if I just can't help but want to eat?" Gao Yingnan is a medical student, so she naturally knows what Jiang Caiyue said, but it's really too hot this day, eating a bite of ice makes her whole body feel comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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