Chapter 1173
Since Baili Hanfeng's thoughts are the same as theirs, he can find an opportunity to mention it tomorrow, and find some people to evaluate the students who want to enroll.

At the beginning, it was for the purpose of cultivating talents. The students to be recruited are unlikely to have no basic foundation. For example, those who can’t even recognize the medicinal materials on the first day should be rejected. It is best to recruit from the more than 200 people who were unsuccessful yesterday. There can't be too many people, after all, Jiang Caiyue can't teach if there are too many. After teaching a group first, some of them will be selected to teach after the effect is good, and then the scale of the school can be expanded in the future. She can also take it easy.

Speaking of which, she wanted to run a school not only to carry forward her medical skills, but also to make her life easier in the future.

Jiang Caiyue asked Chuansheng's servant to give Baili Hanfeng a message, the school can be run, and it would be great if there is the emperor's decree to recruit students.

In the evening Hao'er came from the secret passage to the back window and knocked on the window. Lu Anlang said, "I really want to fill in the secret passage he dug."

Jiang Caiyue nodded in agreement. When Haoer was brought in, Baoer was sitting on the table eating watermelons. The watermelons in the space were also tastier than those outside. Sweet, it can be sold at a high price even in the city, compared with the watermelon grown by Gao Xiang's family next door.

Fortunately, there are not many watermelons grown in Gaoxiang's family's field, but other dishes are more delicious than Gaoxiang's family's. If it weren't for the high price of their vegetables, Gaoxiang's family's vegetables would have rotted in the field.

Of course, most of the crops in Gaoxiang's family are still grain, and only a few vegetables are sold out. Gao Xiang once said that next year, he will no longer grow vegetables and fruits, but only grow grain!

But no matter how delicious the vegetables in the field are, they are still far inferior to those produced in space. This big watermelon is all crunchy and sweet. I am afraid that Baoer’s snacks, sandy melons, will choke my throat, so Jiang Caiyue specially picked the watery melons. , but sweet and refreshing, Hao'er's eyes lit up as soon as he came in and looked at it, "Bao'er, give my cousin a bite."

Bao'er glanced at the few pieces left in the bowl, held the spoon and held the bowl and turned around, leaving Hao'er with a big back, and she refused quite simply.

Hao'er didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Brat, you are so protective of food."

Bao'er turned her head and grinned at him, and continued to eat the watermelon in his bowl.

Jiang Caiyue said: "It's not like you're promising to grab melons with children."

After talking, Jiang Caiyue brought out half a watermelon, and handed Hao'er a spoon, asking him to eat the watermelon directly.

While eating, Haoer said: "I sent someone to investigate Luo Zhicai. It is said that he has been studying outside and has been educated by many famous doctors. He has some skills. This time he came back just in time for a fire in the city, and I saw that my brother was arrested by me. Only then will it lead to it.”

Jiang Caiyue said: "Has it been confirmed that he has nothing to do with the fire in the city?"

Hao Er said: "It should be irrelevant, he came back after the fire."

"Oh, it depends on how capable he is. If he has real talents, as long as he doesn't provoke me in the future, I don't bother to argue with him. If he doesn't have the skills and wants to criticize him, I will make him regret that he was born in this world. world."

Lu Anlang said: "Tomorrow is the third day of the competition. The competition with only 50 players should not be too tense. You go tomorrow first. I still have some things to do. I will go after I finish."

Jiang Caiyue nodded, but didn't care too much about it. Although Lu Anlang, a great general, did it too easily, he didn't really have nothing to do on weekdays. He also had some official business to deal with from time to time. I think he will have something to do tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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