Chapter 1209

The mountains stretch for dozens of miles, and there are countless villages in the mountains. Just five months ago, an official sent by the imperial court was besieged by people from several villages because he offended one of them. They were beaten to death with sticks, and most of the soldiers they brought were also killed or injured. The soldiers who fled back immediately closed the gate of the city, and the bodies of the official and the soldiers who were killed were carried outside Muhai City to expose their corpses, causing a commotion for half a century. After a month, several people from the village returned to the village.

The imperial court also wanted to send troops to suppress it, but the mountains were so vast and easy to defend and difficult to attack. The soldiers in Muhai City couldn't do anything to these villages, so they had no choice but to write a letter to Baili Hanfeng.

Just as the war in the Northland was over, Baili Hanfeng thought of Su Wudi.

After coming here, Lu Anlang learned the details and knew that Baili Hanfeng did not transfer the Changji Army to this place solely to suppress Su Wudi. .

Lu Anlang stood outside the camp, looking at the mountain with dense trees, he couldn't see any signs of people on the mountain, let alone the [-] troops he brought, even a hundred thousand troops, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Several groups of people were sent out to investigate the village secretly, and then draw a route map, but it has been several days since they were sent out, and none of them came back. I don't know if they were caught, or... lost?

I wonder what Jiang Caiyue is doing at this time?Probably eating hot pot around the table, I really want to have a bite too.

But here, pay attention not only to what you eat, but also to the water you drink. Compared with Jiang Caiyue who learned how to cure diseases and save lives, most people here know some medical skills, and their medical skills seem to be more proficient in how to use poison.

Thinking of the group of soldiers who were suddenly poisoned yesterday, Lu Anlang rejoiced more than once that Jiang Caiyue gave him many, many antidote pills before he came, otherwise he would not know how he died.

Fortunately, he was the one who led the troops to the southwest for Su Wudi. Otherwise, if it was Su Wudi, he might not have enough antidote.

Just looking at the moon, Lu Anlang heard rustling sounds from the bushes around him. He stared, and saw a figure shaking in the bushes. Lu Anlang quietly hid behind the tree, and after a while, he saw a man with arms and legs exposed. The Hmong girl came out from the bushes.

After the Miao girl got out and looked around, she walked towards the camp where she was stationed. Lu Anlang followed behind, wanting to see what she was going to do, but he saw the Miao girl touched the camp and slid from her body. I took out a thumb-thick bamboo tube, opened the plug on it, and poured the contents of the bamboo tube into the water source used by the camp.

Lu Anlang rushed forward with a stride and kicked the girl out.The girl let out a cry of 'Aww', rolled around a few times, but didn't get up for a long time, it was because Lu Anlang kicked too hard, probably broke her waist.

Hearing the girl's cry, people rushed out of several tents nearby. Seeing Lu Anlang standing by the water source and a Miao girl lying on the ground screaming, Su Chen couldn't help laughing when he heard the sound. "Little uncle, just say that everyone is drinking, what are you doing out by yourself, so you are meeting a little girl privately here?"

Lu Anlang glared at him, and said to the soldier, "Tie her up first, and then ask someone to ask her the purpose of poisoning."

The Miao girl yelled something excitedly, but they didn't have anyone here, so they couldn't understand a word, so they had to wait for someone who could speak the local language to come and interrogate her.

(End of this chapter)

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