Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 1215 Child and Mother Gu

Chapter 1215 Child and Mother Gu

Su Chen took the Miao girl to the big tent for interrogation, and played with the bamboo tube that was filled with liquid in his hand, but the liquid in the bamboo tube was all spilled at this time.

The Miao girl looked at Su Chen timidly. She was kicked away by Lu Anlang two days ago, and she was stunned by the pain for most of the day.Fortunately, the accompanying military doctor was highly skilled in medicine, and even though she was in excruciating pain when she moved, at least the girl could already sit and talk, otherwise, that kick would have made her unable to stand up for the rest of her life.

"Tell me, what is your purpose of poisoning the water source?"

A man who can speak Miao language was invited from Muhai City and immediately said it again in Miao language. The girl became anxious when she understood it, and shouted a few times. The man who could speak Miao language translated it to Su Chen again, "Su General, she said that she didn't come to poison, but heard that someone poisoned our water source, and she brought the antidote to detoxify, and this bamboo tube is actually the antidote."

Su Chen laughed twice, "Are we all fools? The antidote? We have to believe you when you say it? Unless you can prove that what you said is the truth."

The girl was anxious but didn't know how to prove it. Looking at Su Chen, she suddenly took out a bell from her waist, poured out two worms, one big and one small, from the bell, threw the big worm in front of Su Chen, and swallowed the small one by herself.

Su Chen was taken aback by the worm that was suddenly thrown in front of him. Although he had been with Su Wudi in the army for many years, he still couldn't see how cute this fleshy worm was.

But the interpreter next to him had a bright light in his eyes, "General Su, this is the child-mother Gu, what she swallowed was the child Gu, and the mother Gu is for you, she wants to prove that her life is in the hands of General Su .”

Su Chen reached out and touched the fleshy green worm. It looked like an ordinary vegetable worm, could it really control life and death?

"How is this used?"

The translator stretched out his hand to the girl, and the girl handed the bell in her hand to the translator. The translator held it in her hand and shook it at the caterpillar. Suddenly, the caterpillar rolled on the table, and there was wetness on the place where it rolled. If you look carefully, it turns out that there is a little clear liquid flowing out of the worm.

But at this time, the Miao girl suddenly cried out while clutching her stomach, obviously the pain was unbearable.

Su Chen was a little moved when she saw it, and asked the translator to stop the shaking bell. As soon as the bell stopped, the mung bean worms on the table stopped moving, and the Miao girl also sat on the ground and gasped for breath as if she was exhausted.

Obviously, this Miao girl also worked hard to gain Su Chen's trust, Su Chen couldn't help but not believe it.

After translating and sending messages from both sides, Su Chen finally figured out the girl's intentions. The girl said that although she lived in the Miao village on the mountain, not all the real Miao villages on the mountain were against the imperial court, and those who killed officials were not in the village. They forced the people in the Miao Village to be like cows and horses, and they were not allowed to communicate with the officials of Muhai City. Once they found that the people in the village had contact with the people of the court, will kill their families.

The girl's elder brother couldn't bear the oppression of the bandits, and wanted to escape to Muhai City, but was captured and killed by the bandits, and the girl's parents were also implicated.At that time, the girl was still young, and she was very delicate, so she left a small life, and was raised by a poisonous mother-in-law among the bandits.

More than ten years later, the poisonous mother-in-law died, and the bandit leader wanted the girl to be his wife in the village. The girl escaped, but he was afraid that the court would not believe her, so he secretly sabotaged the bandit's work in the water source. The plan of poisoning, but he did not expect to be caught by Lu Anlang.

(End of this chapter)

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