Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 1222 Slap in the face

Chapter 1222 Slap in the face
Concubine Yun looked at Jiang Caiyue's face, no matter how she looked at it, it looked like a bumpkin from the countryside entering the city. In the end, Concubine Yun waved her hand when she felt that it was embarrassing to put Jiang Caiyue and the emperor together.

"It doesn't matter how you talk about it. I just want to see if the general's wife is used to living here. Normally, I shouldn't be the only concubine to ask about this matter, but Concubine Hui is in charge of the palace now. Her People have always behaved at odds with the general's wife. I just thought that the general's wife entered the palace to contribute to the court. Concubine Hui is acting on her own will, but others always want to think of the general's wife, and she can't let the general's wife Tired and chilled."

Jiang Caiyue laughed 'hehe' twice, "In that case, the concubine should also miss Xie Yunbi."

Concubine Yun didn't know whether she couldn't hear the good words, or she had a high opinion of herself, so she nodded, "It's good that you know, there are a lot of intrigues in this palace now, you'd better be careful, don't get involved."

Jiang Caiyue said strangely: "What Concubine Yun said is not right. You ladies are just fighting each other in the palace. What does it have to do with a concubine as a foreign woman? Could it be that Concubine Yun is trying to win over concubine?"

Concubine Yun was startled, really wanted to win over Jiang Caiyue, but thought that Jiang Caiyue's husband was a descendant of the Su family, she still shook her head, "No, no, I just want to remind the general's wife... Concubine Hui I have scolded the general's wife in front of me more than once. Now that the general's husband is in the palace, he should be more careful. Also, the emperor is a king after all, but the general's wife is a woman, so she always lives in the palace. That's not the case, will outsiders gossip? If something goes wrong, it will ruin the emperor's reputation for the rest of his life."

"Who is talking nonsense? This is the first time I heard this, and it was from Concubine Yun's mouth."

Jiang Caiyue sneered twice, wondering if this concubine Yun is mentally ill?But it's not her turn to clean up this matter, Concubine Hui has already walked out from behind the candle box angrily, under Yun Bin's frightened gaze, she ran up to her in a few steps, raised her hand and slapped Yun Bin twice, "Who did you learn the rules from? Do you dare to chew the emperor's tongue? Are you impatient?"

Concubine Yun, who had been slapped with two slaps, threw herself to the ground with a gorgeous turn around. It was hard to believe that Concubine Hui, who was usually weak, was not soft-hearted when hitting people.

Concubine Hui said calmly after finishing beating Concubine Yun: "Although there are rules in the palace that you can't slap a court lady in the face, I think that you are not a concubine Yun. You have a long memory, and you can let others see what rules are. You came here not only to instigate the relationship between the palace and the general's wife, but also to instigate the relationship between the general's wife and the general's wife. What is the purpose? Do you want to borrow Will this arouse the suspicion of the general's wife, and shake the hearts of the emperor and the general?"

Blood flowed from the corner of Yunbi's mouth, and her face was swollen very high, but Yunbi was so angry that she didn't dare to be angry anymore, and the maid who followed her in behind her didn't dare to vent her anger, so she said The few words Yun Bin just said were just slaps. It was the first time I saw Concubine Hui doing it herself. It can be seen that this empress who usually doesn't speak very loudly is really angry.

But who would have thought that such a big Concubine Hui would hide behind the box and eavesdrop?

Concubine Hui was still angry after the beating, seeing that Jiang Caiyue had no intention of persuading her, she stepped forward and kicked Concubine Yun a few times with her little feet, Concubine Yun was kicked and rolled all over the ground, but she couldn't avoid it no matter what.

Jiang Caiyue looked interesting, but she saw that Concubine Hui's beating action was really kung fu?

(End of this chapter)

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