Chapter 198

Hao'er carried the dishes into the courtyard, and asked Jiang Caiyue while washing, "Mother, he wouldn't bury a knife at our door, would he?"

Jiang Caiyue smiled and said, "Do you believe that too? If he is really that godly, he won't need to be a craftsman, and he can get money by burying a knife in front of someone's house."

Hao'er felt that what Jiang Caiyue said seemed reasonable, but it seemed wrong, but she couldn't tell what was wrong, and after thinking for a long time, she finally decided not to think about it.

Jiang Caiyue went to the house to make two packs of herbal tea. This year was hotter than any year in the original owner's impression. It was still hot and dry. It was hot even sitting at home without working, let alone building a house. Don't let the people who come to help get tired and sick.

Of course, Zhang Majiang will be excluded. Jiang Caiyue really wants to find an excuse to drive him away. Wouldn't it be better if he was sick and left?But obviously he is still able to persevere. He was drugged by her yesterday and can still persist today. Is his wages so easy to earn?Do you want to give him another medicine today?

Jiang Caiyue’s herbal tea is sweet, delicious and refreshing, but there is no space water in it. Jiang Caiyue doesn’t want her space water to be cheap to Zhang Wajiang, even though the space water seems to be inexhaustible and inexhaustible It doesn't work, but when others come to drink herbal tea, Jiang Caiyue quietly adds a little to it when filling the water, so that the people who drink the herbal tea can always maintain a full-bodied appearance.

Of course, Jiang Caiyue didn't always stand by the herbal tea bucket. Sometimes others came to serve herbal tea by themselves. Although the taste was the same after drinking it, why didn't Jiang Caiyue serve it as delicious?

It's just that no one dared to say such an idea, for fear that people would misunderstand that they had some bad thoughts about Jiang Caiyue, otherwise it would be herbal tea served in a bucket, and Jiang Caiyue had to serve it well drink?

Some people think herbal tea tastes good, so they ask Jiang Caiyue what is added in it. Jiang Caiyue doesn't keep secrets. Anyway, there is not only one recipe for herbal tea. Without her space, others can't make it taste like this.

But others are still at a loss when they hear it. Everyone knows about honeysuckle, chrysanthemum, Luo Han Guo, etc., but there are many medicinal materials that they have never heard of. Are some raw and cooked?In the end, I decided to just drink it silently, as it is quite laborious to boil this herbal tea.

Jiang Caiyue didn't expect that she taught seriously, but others still couldn't learn it, so she could only sigh that she was studying medicine. Although she studied Western medicine, she also dabbled in traditional Chinese medicine, and she frantically made up for it in space. After a while, what she thought was very simple might be the same as listening to heavenly scriptures in the eyes of these people who might not even know a few big characters.

On the other hand, Zhang Wajiang remembered very seriously, and asked Jiang Caiyue from time to time the names of medicinal materials that Jiang Caiyue did not remember. There were no precious medicinal materials in this herbal tea, and most of them could be found on the mountain. Jiang Caiyue was not at ease. In the morning, he asked and told him, anyway, the city is short of water now, can he still make herbal tea and sell it?

I drank too much herbal tea, it was hot, and everyone had no appetite. Jiang Caiyue rolled out noodles at noon. After the water was too cold, it was served with sauce made from fried eggs, shredded cucumber, chopped green onion, boiled soybeans and bean sprouts. , everyone ate quite deliciously.

Every time Zhang Wajiang mixed a large spoonful of egg sauce with a bowl of noodles, someone shouted: "Zhang Wajiang, don't be so dazed, there is a lack of water today."

Zhang Wajiang waved his hand and said, "What do you know? It's called eating salty water instead of bland food. Can Zhajiang noodles be delicious without the sauce?"

(End of this chapter)

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