Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2376 Resentment from the Great Bachelor

Chapter 2376 Resentment from the Great Bachelor
Xu Taiping was a little embarrassed. He also knew the situation of the Imperial Academy, so it was no wonder that the head of the academy disregarded his image when he saw him, but he still wanted to talk to the emperor this morning, and temporarily let him get a idle job. Sort out what Xiao Hao taught him, and try the feasibility one by one. Now that he is caught by the Grand Scholar, how can he say that he will not be able to help everyone for a long time in the future?

The academician in charge obviously didn't see Xu Taiping's embarrassment, and pulled him to talk about how the Imperial Academy needed him.

Lu Anlang heard from Jiang Caiyue that Xiao Hao wanted to teach her those cross-generational inventions before, so he naturally knew why Xu Taiping had been behind closed doors for so long. Now that he is willing to come out, he obviously wants to integrate those knowledge. The embarrassment on his face made Lu Anlang laugh secretly, but he had no intention of helping the gang. According to what Jiang Caiyue said, bringing things that don't belong to this era to this era too early is not necessarily a good thing for the common people. good thing.

Just like what he read from the books of later generations, it is precisely because of the development of science and technology, the impact on the earth, the damage to the environment, and the arrival of the end of the world may be the sequelae of rapid development. What they need to do is not rapid development , but a steady development.

Fortunately, they didn't come early, they just stood outside the hall for a while before it was time to go to court, the academician in charge was still pulling Xu Taiping and talking excitedly, but Lu Anlang pulled his sleeves to enter the hall first.

Although Xu Taiping is the number one scholar in the new department, after all, his time in the court is short. If the emperor did not value him, he would not need to go to the court every day because of his official position, but even if he did, his position in the shift is extremely low , and the position of the Grand Master in charge is not as good as that of Lu Anlang, but it is still extremely high. When he seized the last time, he turned around and asked Xu Taiping to return to the Imperial Academy to work today. Xu Taiping smiled and bowed to him. The academician in charge of the academy bowed, as for whether to return or not, he planned to report to the emperor what he had gained these days after the court, and then it would depend on the emperor's arrangements.

When the imperial court came down, the academician in charge of the academy was still waiting for Xu Taiping to leave together, but what he didn't want to wait was the emperor's order, calling Xu Taiping to the Qinzheng Palace to discuss matters.The academician in charge looked suspiciously at Xu Taiping, and finally saw the guilty conscience on his face. He had other plans to come to court today, maybe he never thought about going back to the Imperial Academy.

The little old man finally figured it out, blew his beard and stared angrily, finally pointed at Xu Taiping for a while, and left without saying a word.

Xu Taiping was very sorry, but compared to the copying and writing in the Imperial Academy, he was more interested in what Xiao Hao taught him, although he knew that if he immersed himself in it, his life would take a big turn. It is a dream for those high-ranking ministers and even high-ranking ministers, but he thinks that he will not regret it. If those inventions that benefit the people are annihilated in the world, it is a loss.

Xu Taiping waited outside the Hall of Qinzheng for a long time before the emperor asked his servants to call him into the hall. When he entered the hall, he saw Lu Anlang waiting in the hall. Xu Taiping seemed to hear a sigh when the two of them were separated, and turned his head to look strangely. Looking at Lu Anlang, but seeing Lu Anlang nodded slightly towards him, Xu Taiping suddenly felt a little uncertain, wondering whether the things he had obtained from Xiao Hao, which were regarded as treasures, would be valued by the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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