Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2473 New treatment method

Chapter 2473 New treatment method
It was completely dark outside, but the room Jiang Caiyue was in was brightly lit. Several braziers were burned in the room, which made the room so hot that the two of them were burnt red and talking nonsense. The boy was stripped of his clothes and put on the bed, and the child's mother wiped the child's body with wine in her hand. ,

But just after wiping, the heat on the child's body subsided a little, as long as he didn't wipe it for a while, it would be terribly hot again.

The two mothers cried anxiously, "Madam, please save our babies! They are still young, and if they continue to burn, their brains will burn out."

Jiang Caiyue said: "It's not impossible to save them, but I have a method that no outsider knows about. Would you like me to try it on your children?"

The two mothers were a little hesitant when they heard this, but looking at their son's appearance, if it continues like this, it will be really bad, so they finally nodded, "Madam, please save them."

Jiang Caiyue turned around and opened the medicine box, took out a cloth bag from it, opened it to form small grids, some contained needle tubes, some contained needles, and some contained small glass boxes. pill bottle.

Jiang Caiyue took out the needle tube and needle, soaked them in the liquid medicine made of alcohol, then used tweezers to install the needle on the needle tube, and then drew some liquid medicine from the liquid medicine bottle, and let the air inside come out. to the bed.

"Sister-in-law, turn him over, I'll give him an injection now."

Looking at the needle and needle in Jiang Caiyue's hand, it seemed that this was going to be injected into her son's body. The woman hesitated. Although she believed in Mrs. Yingwuhou, who would dare to guarantee that Mrs. Yingwuhou would not make mistakes?She also said that other people don't know about this method of treatment, so maybe she wants to try it on her child.

Seeing the woman was hesitant, Jiang Caiyue didn't chase after her, but another woman next to her was anxious, "Ma'am, she's afraid you'll try it on my baby first."

Jiang Caiyue turned her head and took a look, nodded to her and walked over. The woman had already turned her child over so that his back was facing upwards. Although she was also worried, no matter how bad it was, it would be worse than a child's stupidity powerful.

And one more thing, she knew that Jiang Caiyue had been treating diseases and saving people for so many years, and she was not the kind of person who didn't care about life and death. Since she said she could give it a try, she was very sure.

Jiang Caiyue took alcohol cotton and wiped a small piece on the child's buttocks, and quickly pricked it with a single needle. When the needle was pulled out of the child's body, the child did not respond.

When the woman saw Jiang Caiyue finishing the needle before, she was terrified, thinking that if the needle was stuck in her child's body, she would be terrified. Although some children had tried it, did they have the courage to let it go? Jiang Caiyue also gave her child an injection.And Jiang Caiyue was not in a hurry, and stared at the child who had just had the needle on the bed without blinking.

As time went by, the child's breathing eased significantly, his face was not as red as before, and the temperature on his head dropped a lot.Apparently the shot worked.

The woman from before looked at her frighteningly hot child, hesitated again and again, and finally begged: "Madam, why don't you give my baby a little too?"

Jiang Caiyue couldn't help smiling when she heard the words, she didn't blame this woman for not believing in herself, if it was her, it was about the child's life, she might be more cautious than this woman.

Another injection was given to the child, and Jiang Caiyue sat aside to observe the reaction of the two children.

(End of this chapter)

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