Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2544 Isn't that uncle?

Chapter 2544 Isn't that uncle?

In the end, Xu Taiping and Yuxiang didn't go out again, but went back to Yingwuhou Mansion with Qi Nanqin, and sat back in the hall again, Qi Nanqin asked a lot about Xu Taiping's experience of going to Gurong Kingdom this time.

Originally, Xu Taiping thought that he had nothing to say about his trip to Gurong Kingdom this time, the only thing he remembered most was thinking of Yuxiang.Looking forward to coming back soon, he will also have a wife.

But under Qi Nanqin's questioning, he recalled the scenes and scenes in the ancient Rong country in the past few months. There were indeed many unforgettable experiences for him, such as rebuilding their homes with the victims of the disaster, and fighting against those ancient Rong countries with Su Chen The remnants of soldiers and horses left behind... Although they were born and died several times and faced dangers, thinking about it now is an unforgettable experience in his life.

When Xu Taiping talked about the scene of tenderness, Qi Nanqin had a gratified smile on his mouth, and when he talked about danger, he would look worried again, as if he was worried for Xu Taiping at that time, and his motherly heart moved Xu Taiping even more , His voice was a little choked up when he said that.

Yuxiang patted his hand lightly to show comfort, Xu Taiping gradually calmed down, and said with some embarrassment: "Thinking about the situation at that time, I can still remember it vividly, Taiping lost his composure."

Qi Nanqin shook his head, "Everything Taiping does is for the country and the people. Only when he truly cares about the people can he feel so empathetic. Although those people are the people of the ancient Rong state, but now the ancient Rong state has merged into the territory of the Liang state. , Those people are also the people of the Liang Kingdom, so naturally we should treat them as the people of the Liang Kingdom.”

Xu Taiping looked at Qi Nanqin, got up after a while, and thought deeply about Qi Nanqin, "What Madam said is true, Taiping is taught!"

Qi Nanqin smiled and said, "Why are you still called madam?"

Xu Taiping was overjoyed, and cried out eagerly on his face: "Mother-in-law!"

Qi Nanqin agreed, and covered Yuxiang's face in shame.

Jiang Caiyue came in from the outside, "Stop chatting, the food is ready, let's chat while eating later."

Qi Nanqin said: "That's right, let's go to the table first. I just ordered the kitchen to make Taiping's favorite spicy shredded lamb tripe. I was afraid that Taiping would not eat it too spicy, so I asked them to make it less spicy."

After hearing this, Xu Taiping quickly thanked him. Although he really liked this spicy shredded lamb tripe, what made him even more delighted was that Qi Nanqin remembered his taste. Although he knew that it was because Qi Nanqin loved Yuxiang that he cared about his taste, But it was enough to impress him.

During the meal, Xu Taiping sat with Lu Anlang on one side and Yuxiang on the other, and Qi Nanqin sat opposite. The three children sat obediently in their special chairs. Three pairs of beautiful big eyes stared at Xu Taiping and smiled. Taiping was a little embarrassed, there were not many times when he and Yingwuhou's family sat neatly together to eat like this, especially now that his relationship with Yuxiang was settled, he was actually very shy watching the children look at him.

Bao'er asked: "Master Xu, will you be my uncle from now on?"

Xu Taiping nodded, Bao'er sighed, Xu Taiping was confused by his sigh, wondered if Bao'er didn't like him as his uncle, but Da Ni said: "Brother, don't sigh, my aunt is married, or He will love us just the same, and there will be another uncle who will love us together, isn't it, uncle?"

Xu Taiping was taken aback by that threatening look, and understood that if he dared to say no, this little girl would throw him out directly, how dare he say no, she nodded immediately, "Don't worry, Bao'er, in the future, uncle will also talk to auntie." It hurts you all the same."

(End of this chapter)

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