Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2574 We are going to make a fortune

Chapter 2574 We are going to make a fortune

After being disgusted, I hurriedly squeezed in and bought another copy, so as not to be late and be sold out by others.

The taste is much worse, but the price is also much cheaper. Maybe this is the reason for the mediocre ingredients. For those of them who are reluctant to go to the deli workshop to buy them, these deli foods are really satisfying their cravings, not because they are too expensive to eat. , but hooked out the gluttonous insects.

It opened on the first day, and I don't know how the business of my shop is. Little Qi Xiaoba Xiaojiu didn't dare to prepare too much, but they also listened to Yuxiang and killed two sheep, fifty chickens, ducks and rabbits each, and a cow. , and all kinds of lo mei, three of the five rooms in the backyard are fully stocked.

But just like that, they were sold out in just one morning, and the remaining odds and ends were sold out because there was nothing else to buy.

Xiaoqi, Ba, and Jiu didn't dare to go to the front, and hid behind the curtain to watch for a long time, all of them were stunned by the good business.

Before, they calculated that if these items could be sold out in two days, they could earn 15 taels of silver, but no one expected that they would be sold out in less than half a day.

I just don't know if the business will slow down after it has been open for a long time.But no matter what, it only took half a day to earn 15 taels of silver today. This business is really easy to do.

It seems that I will have to prepare more ingredients later, at least twice as much as today.

The three sisters happily counted the money in the backyard, and at the same time calculated that the business would get better and better in the future.Although the shop opened on the first day and there was no old stew, Yuxiang sent a few buckets of old stew. The master who was transferred to help, although the food made by the cooked food workshop is not as good as it is, it tastes much better than other cooked food.

The shop closed at noon, and after lunch, Xiao Qi called all the staff over to summarize the status of everyone's work today, criticize and criticize the deficiencies, and praise the good ones, and rewarded fifty cents .

After that, let the guy in charge of purchasing go outside the city to order some ingredients and deliver them in the afternoon.

Thinking that the business might be better tomorrow, Xiao Qi asked everyone to take time to rest, because the weather is getting hotter and hotter, even Yuxiang’s workshop can’t make lo mei on the first day, Xiao Qi also asked everyone to go back early to rest, in the future it will be I have to get up and do things before dawn. Although it is hard work, but the wages are high and the food is good, everyone is still willing.

It's all right in the afternoon, Xiao Qi Xiao Ba Xiao Jiu went to Yuxiang's new house to have a look. She has been here for the past few days, and she will immediately raise any improvements that need to be made. He was so concerned that he didn't even worry about Xiao Shi secretly taking a few bags of materials.

When Xiaoqi and the others came over, Yuxiang was still stunned, "Isn't your new store opening today? Why do you have time to come to my place?"

Xiao Qi held Zhan Yuxiang's arm, "Sister-in-law, I'm so happy, the first day it opened, it was sold out before noon, and so much cooked food was sold in less than an hour, my God, what are we doing?" I'm going to get rich."

Yuxiang smiled, "I see you are happy, I told you to prepare more yesterday, you must be afraid of losing money, do you regret it now?"

Xiaoqi nodded vigorously, "I regret it, but I regret it to death. If I had listened to Sisao yesterday, I would have doubled the money I earned today. Sisao didn't know. Many people who didn't buy it said they would buy it tomorrow. I will buy it in the afternoon." Ask someone to send more ingredients, and make sure there will be enough to sell tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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