Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2592 Rectify the bride?

Chapter 2592 Rectify the bride?
After Xu Taiping kowtowed to Qi Nanqin together with Yuxiang, because Yuxiang had no brothers, in the end Qi Xifeng's youngest son carried Yuxiang on the sedan chair. Don't look at this half-child who usually thinks he has outstanding literary talents at home. He pretends to be noble, but he carried Yuxiang all the way under the watchful eyes of all the high officials, and his legs were trembling, especially today, when he carried Yuxiang all the way to the sedan chair outside the mansion, his body was shaking. Drenched with sweat.

In the past, he rarely came to Jinchi City, and when he met his aunt's family in Qi's mansion, he treated him as relatives. Today was the first time he saw such a battle, and he was able to carry Yuxiang onto the sedan chair smoothly, and he admired himself a little.

When I saw those court ministers with long beards smiling and nodding to me, and when I heard them praise Lu Anlang as a good-looking brother-in-law, I blushed so much that I didn't dare to lift it up, but I felt a little proud in my heart. For the first time, I really realized what kind of character my aunt's brother-in-law is.

When the sedan chair was carried away amidst the joyful sound, Lu Anlang looked at his brother-in-law with relief. After all, he was Qi Xifeng's son, so he had to take care of him, so he waved to him, "Jiayou, come here!"

Qi Jiayou hurried to Lu Anlang's side, and Lu Anlang proudly said to the ministers: "Jiayou is the cousin of my wife's natal family. He has been very intelligent since he was a child. He is only 14 years old now, but he is both civil and military. He passed the examination last year as a scholar. I'm going to take another exam, and if I pass the exam, I'll take the imperial examination the next year."

Who doesn't understand the meaning of Lu Anlang's words? This is paving the way for Qi Jiayou. It can be seen that he attaches great importance to this lady's cousin. While walking, he praised Qi Jiayou. When everyone came to the new house, Qi Jiayou had slowly calmed down from the initial restraint, and he was able to answer questions about some articles fluently. He really responded to Lu Anlang's words that he was very smart and neither humble nor overbearing. It also made these court officials appreciate it very much, and they kept him in their hearts.

At this time, Xu Taiping had already helped the bride out of the sedan chair, and the couple stepped over the brazier in front of the door and walked inside.

On the way to Jinchi City, some people thought of many tricks to deal with the bride. They were thinking about it with great interest just yesterday, but after the young daughter-in-law and Yu Hanniang were thrown out, they lost all their ideas.

Then I saw Xu Taiping's colleagues who came here early today. Although all of them were wearing casual clothes, they had to report if they came. Those adults who came over in the sedan chair were even more impressive than those who came before, and those who came before even ran over to pay their respects, who would dare to show off the limelight at this time?

When the auspicious time came to the wedding hall, the groom sent the bride to the bridal chamber. There were hundreds of tables of banquets in the courtyard. The relatives of the Xu family sat in the courtyard and looked at the rich food and wine. No one was dissatisfied. Those people, being able to sit here and drink is enough for them to go back and brag for a lifetime.

Of course, some elders of the Xu family were still invited inside, but when they thought that all the ministers of the court and central government were sitting on the table next to them, and even the junior officials could not get in, their hands holding chopsticks trembled a little. A table of delicacies from mountains and seas that I have never seen on weekdays can't be put down with chopsticks.

Especially Mrs. Xu's heart is bleeding, how much money does this big table of delicious food cost?Xu Taiping won't turn around and let her ask for money, right?

Should she drink a few more glasses, so that she will be so drunk that she can escape the fate of paying for money?

(End of this chapter)

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