Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2603 What's wrong with rolling your eyes?

Chapter 2603 What's wrong with rolling your eyes?
The eldest girl was about to reach out to pick it up, but Yuxiang stopped her with her hand, and said with a smile, "We don't want the ones worn by others. What do eldest girls like? Fourth aunt will give you another one."

Xiao Shi was originally reluctant to part with the beads, but after hearing Yuxiang's words, he immediately wished he could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.What does she mean by that?Could it be that he thought she was dirty?
Xiao Shi subconsciously wanted to drop the beads again, but when he saw Mrs. Xu's angry eyes of disapproval, he raised his hand and put it down gently, but he didn't dare to drop another one.

When she threw the bead before, she felt that the bead was worthless, but the big girl let her take it, and she felt that the big girl was stingy, and exchanging beads for beads was also an insult to her.But after listening to everyone's chatter, she also seemed to realize that the bead was not ordinary, maybe it was really something valuable.

But at this time, when Mrs. Xu looked at it like that, she knew that if she dropped the bead string again, Mrs. Xu would definitely get mad at her.The previous secret recipe had already made her dissatisfied with herself, and because the bead string made the old lady unhappy in front of everyone, she also knew that in the future, she should not expect the old lady to find her a good husband's family. It's better to marry at a lower level, and dare not trouble the Xu family when troubles arise.

Seeing that she stopped falling, Yuxiang rolled her eyes in front of everyone, showing her dislike for Xiao Shi.

Although some people thought Yuxiang was a little contemptuous of her new daughter-in-law, but thinking that Yuxiang got married yesterday and even the emperor and queen were invited, so what if she rolled her eyes?For a while, no one said that Yuxiang was wrong.

And when she turned her head to face the eldest girl, Yuxiang was amiable again, and said to the young lady: "Sister-in-law, I like the eldest girl very much when I see her, or let her live with me for a few days, after a few days How about picking her up when you go back to your hometown?"

The eldest young lady is naturally happy, before she was worried that Xu Taiping and Yuxiang would be dissatisfied with their house because of her mother-in-law's grievances back then, but at this moment, Yuxiang's attitude seemed to have no grudges.It is good to be able to keep the girl by Yuxiang's side, maybe the marriage of the big girl will be settled if any wife likes it, and the people Yuxiang knows are either rich or expensive, and Yuxiang will naturally screen for her character .

The second young lady and the third young lady also have daughters, but their daughters are still young, the oldest is only eight years old, they haven't taught the rules well, and they are afraid of being disgusted by others, so they didn't mention sending their daughters to Yuxiang Words around.But I thought in my heart that I would get along well with Yuxiang later, and it would be related to whether my daughter could marry well.

There is also a son, although he doesn't want to marry a daughter-in-law with a high family background, but if he becomes an official or does business in Jinchi City in the future, it will be of great benefit to be supported by Yuxiang.

The eldest girl was pulled by Yuxiang's side, everyone chatted and laughed, except for Xiao Shi's episode, the meal was enjoyable afterwards.

After dinner, Mrs. Xu took her relatives away tactfully, and they all went back to Xu Taiping's mansion, Xu Mansion, so that the young couple could relax.

When Aunt Shen left, she looked at Yuxiang and hesitated to speak, but Yuxiang pretended not to see it.Otherwise, I can't say: Auntie, why don't you just stay?

If she really said that, Yuxiang believes that Mrs. Xu will find a reason to stay with her, and it will be difficult to drive people out in the future.

She married Xu Taiping because she wanted to live a good life, but she really didn't want to be able to live a free life, but she found a few mountains to press on her head, then she really felt uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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