Chapter 2637

The children who came out of Muhai City each carried a bulging little burden on their backs, and the expressions on their faces were indescribably excited. Each of them rode a pony and followed Jiang Caiyue, Lu Anlang and Beside Qi Nanqin, he looked quite heroic, attracting many passers-by to watch.

Lu Anlang had to take care of these boys. Dani and Erni nestled in the arms of Jiang Caiyue and Qi Nanqin. How perfect a girl like this should be.

Miao Jiang is not like most Liang people, not only does not have the idea of ​​patriarchal, even in Miao Jiang, daughters are favored more than sons, so many people have been envied along the way.

However, looking at the appearance of their parents, these people just think about it. After all, with their appearance, it is not easy to give birth to such a girl, but the black boys who follow are more like them from Miaojiang.

Different from the tense atmosphere I saw when I came to Muhai City before, the Miao people and Liang people on this circuit got along very peacefully, and many fields outside the city were reclaimed. Ripe fruits, and many people set up stalls along the road, selling all kinds of fruits that are impossible to see in Jinchi City. At first, the children saw them as fresh, but because they didn’t know them, they could only look at them and dare not eat them. After tasting it later, although it is not a favorite food, it is just a taste, but Jiang Caiyue secretly left a lot of seeds in the space, let the monkeys find a place to plant them, which can be regarded as enriching the species in the space .

Although the fruit didn't appeal to the children much, they were very interested in some medicinal materials sold at roadside stalls. Because of the geographical location, they had never seen fresh medicinal materials in medical books. But there are piles of medicinal materials. When children see medicinal materials, they will automatically think of their medicinal effects and functions. It can be seen that the effect of learning in the past few months is still good.

Jiang Caiyue does not lack these medicinal materials. After all, no matter how far the journey is, what Jiang Caiyue wants to find has been collected over the years. As long as she wants, there are many in the space.But it doesn't matter if you don't need it, it doesn't prevent her from teaching children on the ground.

Walking along the way, the memory of the children is also deeper. By the way, I collected some things that are not in the space. After a day, I also visited a lot of places, and even saw many roadside stalls that were made by the imperial court. Comes out little pills and some balm.

It's just that compared to the price in Jinchi City, the price of the pills sold at the roadside stalls is much more expensive.However, the manpower and material resources for the uniform delivery of the pills by the imperial court are all included in the cost, and the pills with a uniform price across the country are sold here for several times the price, which makes people have to think about what went wrong.

Moreover, the imperial court also made it clear that the balm can be bought and sold casually, but the pills can only be sold in designated pharmacies, but they can be sold at roadside stalls in the southwest?It is unbelievable for Jiang Caiyue to say that no one has made a fortune because of this.

Fortunately, the pills are real and won't ruin people.But the fact that the pills are real does not mean that there is nothing wrong with these pills. After all, the pills in the pharmacy are uniformly formulated by the imperial court. If they are not sold out, they can be exchanged for new pills. These pills sold on the roadside may not be treated like this, right?

What's more, the pills that are obviously very cheap are sold at a high price here, but there are still many people who buy them. It is impossible for these people to buy medicines because they have too much money to spend. They must not be available in regular pharmacies, so they will be distributed uniformly. Who got the pills here to make a fortune?

(End of this chapter)

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