Chapter 2776

The car drove steadily, and there was no need to worry about losing his life in a car accident at any time. Only then did Lu Anlang's family have the mood to look at the situation in G City.

Different from the base that Jiang Caiyue entered in the previous life, G City in the early days of the end of the world was in a mess everywhere. Many shops on both sides of the road had their doors smashed, waste was everywhere, and there were bloodstains all over the place, which also showed what happened here before. .

In the chaos, there were still people dragging corpses out of the building from time to time. Some of these corpses were beheaded zombies, and some were bitten to death. The dragged corpses were transported in a cart in one direction.

According to Qi Ming, there used to be a crematorium in that direction, most of which were transported there for unified cremation.

In the past half a month since the end of the world, most of the people on the road went out of the city together to kill zombies. Just before entering the city, Jiang Caiyue glanced at the notice posted next to him. The food in the city has long been under unified management. If ordinary people want to eat, they have to go out of the city to kill zombies in addition to participating in the heavy work of building the city wall. For many people, the work of building the city wall is too tiring, and the zombies only need to find Regularity makes it easier to kill. Killing a few zombies every day can save enough food for a family for a few days. Many people choose to kill zombies.

There are also some old people and children who have no one to support. The government provides two porridge a day. Although they are not full, they will not starve to death.

As for young women, those who want to work in the city can arrange work according to their physical condition, but these jobs are also not enough to fill them up. Some women who have some strength go to build walls, and some women who don't want to suffer too much follow and kill. zombies.

Of course, there are also some women who neither want to build a city wall nor kill zombies. At this time, they are standing on the side of the road and making gestures at the passing people and vehicles.

Jiang Caiyue had already seen the strangeness, and Qi Ming understood it and sighed in his heart that it was immoral, but Qi Nanqin and Lu Anlang were very disapproving. In ancient times, there were many women who leaned on the door to sell their laughter?Although they don't agree with it, they won't be contemptuous because of it.

The car drove for another 15 minutes before arriving in front of a residential area. Compared with before the end of the world, the guards outside Xiaoshi were even stricter. They were uniformed in military attire. The car was stopped when it was still some distance away from the residential area. Qi Ming Roll down the car window and say to the people outside: "My name is Qi Ming, and I am the only son of Mayor Qi."

The person who stopped the car was a young man in his 20s wearing a military uniform, but the epaulets on his shoulders had been taken off, so he couldn't tell what his military rank was, but his demeanor didn't look like a soldier. After hearing Qi Ming's words, he suddenly turned his mouth away , "Mayor Qi's only son? How did I hear that Mayor Qi's only son went to school outside, and died in school when the end of the world broke out?"

Qi Ming was a little annoyed, "Won't you ask inside if I'm dead or not?"

The young man shook his head, "Dozens of relatives have come here every day for the past few days. I'm not afraid to tell you that dozens of Mayor Qi's sons have come. Mayor Qi is busy with work, but he doesn't have time to recognize his son everywhere. You Hurry up, don't blame the guns in our hands for not having eyes if you are late."

In the end, these words turned into a blatant threat. Qi Ming wanted to argue with him, but was stopped by Lu Anlang, and said in a low voice: "A good man doesn't suffer from immediate losses. I'm afraid there may be something wrong here. Let's settle down first before we talk about it." .”

Qi Ming suppressed his anger and glared at the young man. Seeing that the young man blinked at him innocently, he reversed the car and left angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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