Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2785 Or their tigers are smarter

Chapter 2785 Or their tigers are smarter

The arrival of Lu Anlang and Jiang Caiyue's family soon aroused a warm welcome from the Red Flower team living in the bungalow. The charming-looking sister Qu even showed great excitement while holding Jiang Caiyue and Qi Nanqin's hand Feelings, "Auntie, sister, we will be a family from now on, so don't miss out. Although our team is not a big team with supernatural powers in G City, we definitely don't have to worry about eating and drinking."

Said and pointed to Huzi who was smiling innocently, "See if Huzi is there, he is a precious water-type superpower. From now on, auntie and sister just want to take two baths every day, it will not be a problem."

Jiang Caiyue and Qi Nanqin looked at each other and smiled. Although she knew that Sister Qu was trying to win them over, she had to admit that she spoke to her heart. Although they were not short of water, there was no reason for them to bring the water upright. With this tiger as a cover, it will be much more convenient to drink or use water in the future. Of course, if you want to eat delicious food, you still have to hide in the space.It's not that they want to eat alone, it's that the space is too heaven-defying, and if others find out, it will only cause trouble. Before they are strong enough to scare everyone, the secrets of space must not be revealed.

Jiang Caiyue's family was arranged on the third floor of Xiaoyang Building, and the rest of the members of the Red Flower Team were on the first and second floors, while Qi Ming was dragged by Rui Rui to his room on the second floor for a temporary stay. It can be seen that the third floor is really like Rui Rui. What Rui said was for their family, and Jiang Caiyue's family was very satisfied with this.

At least their privacy is guaranteed here, and they simply look around, and there is no surveillance equipment installed in the house.

Huzi shyly brought a bucket of water to the family, and asked the family to wash up first. Qi Nanqin thanked Huzi, and saw that his whole face was flushed, and felt that this child was really innocent and cute. It also has the same name as their family's Huzi, which makes people feel more cordial when they meet.

Of course, in terms of cleverness, their tiger cub is even better.

Each of them tidied up briefly, changed into light clothes, and the family went down to the first floor. At this time, there was a tangy smell from the kitchen on the first floor. Upstairs and downstairs, everyone stood up to greet her. Sister Qu smiled and asked Qi Nanqin, "Auntie, are you satisfied with where you live?"

Qi Nanqin smiled gently, "I'm very satisfied, girl, don't worry."

Although Sister Qu is called Aunt Qi Nanqin, she still feels that Qi Nanqin looks younger than her in her heart. Auntie is just a title, but Qi Nanqin called her a girl directly, so she couldn't laugh or cry. She had to admit that Qi Nanqin was young, and her grandchildren were seven or eight. Even if the mother and daughter both got married early and had babies just after their twenties, she must be almost 50 years old, right?
But looking at Qi Nanqin's tender face, she couldn't help feeling sour in her heart. Even before the end of the world, when she was using the best cosmetics and was never as tender as Qi Nanqin, how did he take care of it?Could it be the 'immortal' from some hidden family?
"Auntie... well, you look younger than me, why don't you call me Auntie so much?"

Hearing Sister Qu's complaint, Qi Nanqin laughed, "It's hard to call Aunty, so you can call me Sister. At worst, let's talk about ours, and you and my daughter will talk about yours."

Sister Qu clapped her hands and smiled, "That's good. From now on, I'll call you sister, and sister."

Jiang Caiyue nodded indifferently. This sister Qu is also in her 30s, but she looks younger than her peers. In fact, she is not a few years behind Qi Nanqin. She should be called sister, and she is not a relative. It's all about nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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