Chapter 2815
Qi Nanqin didn't object. Although the three children still had something to say, they knew it was not time to be willful.And Qi Nanqin even she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.She loves quietness the most in her life, but she doesn't want to come to this apocalyptic world full of crises. Although she rejected Jiang Caiyue's suggestion to enjoy happiness in the space, it was only because she was worried about the children, but to be honest, she didn't like hacking at all. Feeling like a zombie, if she had a choice, she would prefer to go back to Liang Guo to live a peaceful and content-free life, but the premise is that the family can be together.

If she can't live that kind of life together as a family, she will still choose to be with the children, even if they have to face ups and downs and crises together, Qi Nanqin doesn't want to be a burden to the children, since she has no choice, she will be with the children Let's grow up, but there is no rush, she always has to adapt slowly.

Before the three children were taken into the space by Jiang Caiyue, Jiang Caiyue asked Jiang Caiyue to promise that they would come out to fight when there were fewer zombies later. With Jiang Caiyue's promise, the three children held Qi Nanqin's hand and entered together. into space.

Sending all the family members who valued her into the space, Jiang Caiyue's gaze instantly became sharper. Although there are many zombies in front of her, such low-level zombies are no threat to her at all, and it is much more convenient for her to move forward alone No need to walk anymore, jump to the top of the shop, hook the fan hanging above the head with vines, and just swing all the way to collect supplies.

Fortunately, the Small Commodity Wholesale City has five floors. The first floor sells snacks such as dried meat and jerky, but after more than 20 days of storage, the packaged ones are fine, but the unpackaged ones are almost broken. Jiang Cai Yue probably collected it and went up to the second floor.

The ones sold on the second floor are much more high-end, some with simple packaging, some with tight packaging, some made in China, some imported, and there are all kinds of them. Many of them are the ones that Jiang Caiyue liked to eat in her previous life but were reluctant to buy them. very happy.

There are also cigarettes and alcohol that have become luxury goods after the end of the world. Jiang Caiyue is the happiest to harvest them. Although she doesn't like them, they can be exchanged for crystals. It is spar, spar is more popular than contribution points in comparison.Looking at these alcohol and tobacco, they are not alcohol and tobacco, but piles of spar, Jiang Caiyue will naturally not let it go.

The number of zombies on the second floor was much less than that on the first floor. Wherever Jiang Caiyue passed, the zombies had been perfectly avoided, and it was not very difficult for Jiang Caiyue to collect them.

The third floor sells books, stationery, some small decorations, and some miscellaneous things, because the passenger flow here is small, and after the end of the world, many brainless zombies fell down from the stairs. Jiang Caiyue can be said to save time. Running all the way and collecting all the way, looking at the books and pens piled up in the space warehouse, and some reading materials, Jiang Caiyue felt that the children's children's children were enough.

As for the decorations that are useless but good-looking, Jiang Caiyue just installed some casually without taking up too much space.

On the fourth floor, Jiang Caiyue really thought it was worth the trip. Apart from some sports equipment, there are also several shops selling mountain bikes. The building is almost one-third full. In the last days when there is a lack of gasoline, these cars are the best for transportation. Jiang Caiyue put them into the space bluntly, and took in other things casually.

The fifth floor is the restaurant of the shopping mall. There may not be a lot of food in stock, and most of it is rotten. The smell of rotten vegetables can be smelled on the fourth floor. Jiang Caiyue has no plan to go up again.

(End of this chapter)

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