Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2836 If you have the ability to kill me

Chapter 2836 If you have the ability to kill me

Qi Tianbai looked at Qi Ming sarcastically, "You came here just to rush in and save their family? It's a pity that it's too late. With such a big fire, their family can't get out even if they grow wings. Or do you want to avenge them? "

Qi Ming roared angrily: "Are you still human? Not only did their family save my parents, but how many people in the base did they also save? How dare you let someone do such a murderous thing? Have you forgotten that they have a pill that can cure the zombie virus? If they are killed, humans will be scratched and bitten by zombies in the future, can they just wait to die?"

The people who thought Qi Tianbai was vicious at first also reacted at this time. Before, they only thought that Qi Tianbai was vicious and vicious, but for a moment they forgot that his family could make a pill to cure the zombie virus, which burned their whole family to death What if someone is infected by the zombie virus in the future?Qi Tianbai really did something enough to make all the survivors in the world want to kill him.

And those teams know that there will be no pills to cure the zombie virus in the future, will they do something drastic in a fit of anger? The G city base won't be in chaos because of this, right?

The people who can sit in the car with Qi Tianbai are some small bosses in the base, although the officials may not be very big, but relying on the base to support them, their small life is very good, in case the small team makes trouble If there is an incident, will they be regarded as Qi Tianbai's gang?

Everyone looked at Qi Tianbai in unison. Apart from dissatisfaction, there were more accusations. Obviously, these people wanted to blame Qi Tianbai for setting fire to Xiahe Town.

Qi Tianbai looked at these too realistic people with a slightly cold expression. It was his decision to set fire to the town, but why blame him for everything?Should those zombies just be piled up like that?Who knows if it will mutate into an infectious disease.

As for the family not coming out of town, how could he be blamed?Well why did they stay in town?Who knows if he wants to do something shady.As for the fact that they were burned to death by the fire, it can only be blamed for their bad luck, and they did not go back and forth with the people in the base. Everything can't revolve around their family, right?
Seeing that Qi Tianbai looked like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, Qi Ming was even more furious. He raised his hand and punched Qi Tianbai in the face. The water came out.

"Qi Tianbai, I'm leaving my words here. If there is any mistake in their family, I will definitely take your life."

Qi Tianbai wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, glanced at the bright red blood on the back of his hand, and said with a sneer, "I'll wait for you right here, to see if you have the ability to take my life."

Qi Ming snorted coldly, seeing Qi Tianbai raised his neck proudly towards him, he became even more angry, and swung his fist again, Qi Tianbai was prepared this time, he stretched out his hand to hold Qi Ming's fist, The huge strength made Qi Ming unable to swing his fist any longer. Unexpectedly, Qi Tianbai has some abilities.

And the smug sneer on Qi Tianbai's face stimulated Qi Ming's nerves even more, Qi Ming raised his leg and kicked Qi Tianbai's thigh without even thinking about it. Bending down with a pale face, Qi Ming snorted coldly, feeling so happy in his heart: "Grandson, let you be bad, let me see how my son and grandson will be cut off!"

Qi Tianbai was in so much pain that he couldn't speak a long time ago, but Qi Ming kicked Qi Tianbai down to the ground with another kick, and made up a few more kicks, then turned around and got off the command vehicle.

(End of this chapter)

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