Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2843 The Bird of Fright

Chapter 2843 The Bird of Fright
Since they agreed to deal with it, Jiang Caiyue and Qi Nanqin really didn't do anything delicious. After making some scallions and sautéing them, they added water and put the noodles in a pot of noodles, and sprinkled some salt when they came out of the pot, that is, water It's okay, it looks like that.

But when it was brought out, Qi Ming sucked in his saliva suddenly, and even though the children's faces became ugly, they didn't say anything.

Everyone ate in silence. Jiang Caiyue's family, including the children, ate a small bowl each, while Qi Ming ate three big bowls by himself, which was enough for the whole family.

Looking up at the whole family looking at him with sympathetic eyes, Qi Ming said embarrassedly: "In the past, I didn't like to eat this or that, but after the end of the world, I understand that if you want to live well, No matter what it is, if you can’t eat it to death, you have to eat it to your fullest, otherwise who knows when you will be able to eat the next meal after this meal, even if you don’t know if you can eat it or not.”

Bao'er pushed the remaining large bowl of noodle soup to Qi Ming, "You eat!"

Qi Ming said embarrassingly, "Uncle is full too."

Dani Erni cheered, "Mother, grandma, uncle is full, can we go back to the room and sleep?"

Qi Nanqin nodded with a smile, took a granddaughter by the hand and walked upstairs, followed by Bao'er, Jiang Caiyue and Lu Anlang took a look at Qi Ming and went upstairs as well.

Qi Ming looked at the half of the pot left in the pot. Although he really didn't want to eat leftovers, he really couldn't eat it. Why don't he just leave it like this and eat it when he's hungry at night.

But is this family so happy going upstairs to sleep?It always gave him the feeling that this was another arrangement.

But everyone went upstairs to sleep, and there couldn't be no night watchman at night. Qi Ming thought he had found something to please Jiang Caiyue's family, so he just sat and watched the night in the hall on the first floor.

After fighting zombies for three consecutive days, Qi Ming was exhausted early in the morning, and he drove after them all afternoon. Qi Ming was really exhausted. He just took a nap when he was sitting on the sofa. He was covered in cold sweat, but fortunately the zombie outside did not come in, otherwise it would be difficult for others to say, he would definitely be eaten by the zombies.

Qi Ming found half a tank of water in the kitchen. Jiang Caiyue and Qi Nanqin used space water for cooking, and the water here has been kept for a long time. The basin with a lot of dust, first scooped a little water in it to rinse the basin, then scooped up half of the basin of water, washed the face vigorously, and washed the hair again. After washing, the whole body was refreshed, but sleepy But it was still so heavy, it gave him the urge to sleep after washing.

But thinking that the family sleeping upstairs hasn't forgiven him yet, they have to guard this night no matter what, maybe they will forgive him after seeing his performance.

Qi Ming was afraid that he would fall asleep and dare not sit down, so he turned around in the living room, looking outside from time to time to see the zombie that was persistent and refused to leave, but dared not come in, and he didn't know what it was trying to figure out.

Gradually it got dark, and the living room was gloomy. Qi Ming sat on the sofa and looked everywhere, feeling ghostly. After a while, he went to the kitchen to dig out the oil drum, took a bowl and poured out half of it. Bowl of oil, tore off another strip from a rag, dipped it to make a wick soaked in oil, picked out a small piece and put it outside and lit it with fire.

Immediately, there was a dim light in the hall. Although the oily smoke was a bit suffocating, it was more reassuring than being in the dark.

Qi Ming let out a long sigh of relief, remembering that he was not so timid before the end of the world, but now he was forced into a frightened bird.

(End of this chapter)

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