Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2872 Be good, our Bao'er is really amazing

Chapter 2872 Be good, our Bao'er is really amazing
"Caiyue, An Lang, are you asleep?" Qi Nanqin knocked on the door outside.

"No." Jiang Caiyue quickly walked to the door and opened the door, and saw Qi Nanqin and three children standing outside the door, she just let them in as if they were frightened by the thunder.

Qi Nanqin locked the door behind her when she came in, looked at Lu Anlang, then at Jiang Caiyue, and whispered, "The thunder just now..."

Jiang Caiyue nodded, and Qi Nanqin understood. It seemed that what Jiang Caiyue said before was correct. Lu Anlang had the lightning ability, and it was such a powerful lightning ability at the beginning.

Thinking of Jiang Caiyue saying that she has the power of the light system, Qi Nanqin is full of anticipation.

Jiang Caiyue said: "Mom, do you want to see if you can use the supernatural power?"

Even with Jiang Caiyue's guarantee, Qi Nanqin still felt a little worried, but seeing Jiang Caiyue's encouraging eyes, he forced himself to calm down, "Then try it."

Jiang Caiyue told Qi Nanqin how to use the supernatural ability again. Qi Nanqin calmed down, raised her hand slowly, tried the method taught by Jiang Caiyue, and suddenly saw that her hand was covered by a mass of white Surrounded by soft light, this group of light looks indescribably holy. Compared with the lines around Qi Nanqin that Jiang Caiyue saw before, it makes people want to worship from the bottom of their hearts.

And the soft light flowing out from Qi Nanqin's hands, although no specific effect can be seen, it gives people a feeling that the soul has been washed.

Qi Nanqin was both surprised and happy. Although she has read a lot of books these days, she has seen from the books that her ability is not a combat ability, but her ability can protect the children. She is very satisfied with this .

Seeing that grandma also has supernatural powers, the children clamored to see if they also had supernatural powers.

In the past few days, Jiang Caiyue was afraid that the absorption of her spatial abilities would affect their ability development, and she would not leave the house unless necessary, let alone let the children come to her. The children also wanted to know if they had any abilities, but Before, my mother told them not to try randomly, fearing that they would not be able to control them when they were young, and they would hurt others. Now, seeing that their father and grandmother's abilities are so powerful, they are all eager to try.

Jiang Caiyue saw that although there were lines of supernatural abilities penetrating into their bodies around them, they were all similar to Lu Anlang and Qi Nanqin. To avoid causing trouble, she simply brought them all into the space and let them use their supernatural abilities on an open space. , but it is necessary to control the amount of ability output.

In the end, I saw a big golden red golden red sword in Bao'er's hand. It seems that he was also influenced by Qi Ming. Although this sword is more majestic than Qi Ming's sword, it is still a sword and it is about the same size. Not much, but when Lu Anlang took the sword, he found that the size difference was almost the same, but the difference was not at 01:30. Qi Ming's sword was too heavy for Qi Ming to use, but it felt too light in Lu Anlang's hand .

However, Bao'er's sword, Lu Anlang swung it, but he took advantage of it, and the weight was at least twice that of Qi Ming's sword.

The same size, but twice the weight, the density of the metal is much higher, and the sharpness is also mediocre.

After that, I saw Bao'er waving his hand again and again, one, two, three, four... There were more than twenty swords in total, and the power was not exhausted.

The three adults looked at each other amusedly, and Qi Nanqin said: "Hey, our Bao'er is really powerful. If this is placed in Liang Guo, your cousin's army won't need swordsmiths."

Bao'er scratched her head in embarrassment, seeing that Lu Anlang was holding the sword that was the first to condense him with supernatural powers in his hand, thinking about it, Bao'er said: "It's still Daddy's supernatural powers, you can kill zombies just standing there .”

(End of this chapter)

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