Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2977 Can't you hope for something better?

Chapter 2977 Can't you hope for something better?

In fact, Jiang Caiyue has known for a long time that the lightning power can be converted into electricity, but that is also from the book in the space. At least no one did it when she was pushed into the pile of zombies in her previous life, not to mention the power of the thunder. There are too few capable people, and even at that time, no one was strong enough to provide electricity for a base by himself. It would be more practical to use crystal nuclei to generate electricity.

But Lu Anlang's ability is different. It was much stronger than others from the beginning, and it would be a waste to leave it alone. The power generation system modified by Qi Nanqin not only uses the crystal core, but also stores the ability of the person with the ability as much as possible. It can be said that Lu Anlang's ability was not wasted at all, and every time he finished casting his ability, Lu Anlang would find that his ability recovered much faster.

There are also two lightning-type superpowers in the base, but compared to Lu Anlang's power, their supernatural powers are completely negligible, but they still come to discharge every day with Qi Nanqin's encouragement, and provide delicious food and drink every day. They feel that their abilities are replenished more quickly after they are almost emptied. The most important thing is that they feel that their abilities are improved faster than anyone else, and they come more diligently every day.

Next, Qi Nanqin also wants to study some other machines for storage and utilization of supernatural powers. Although the research is based on space data, it can solve the problem that the more crystal cores are used, the less they are used.

After Jiang Caiyue came back, she found that everything in the base was developing in a good direction. Even the population suddenly increased and nearly half of the empty houses in the base were filled. Everyone had to continue to expand the base.

Fortunately, there are more supernatural beings. As the earth-type supernatural beings with the largest number of supernatural beings, everyone has joined in the upgrade and reconstruction of the base. There are vines and the big tree running around in the base. , There is no need to worry about the security of the base.

Qi Ming is making a metal net with his superpower alone on the edge of the base. The metal net made by his gold-type superpower is very strong, and it is covered with long sharp thorns. It can protect the city wall even stronger when it is covered , Lu Anlang asked him to do more and fix them outside the city walls built by earth-type supernatural beings. When the zombies dare to attack the city, they will be strangled on it.

Qi Ming felt that his ability was very useful, and he made it with special care, and he would not rest until he used up his ability every day.

Bao'er was watching from the side, and from time to time, when Qi Ming wasn't looking, he would make a few pieces of metal mesh and pile them together with the ones made by Qi Ming. I didn't notice it either, but from time to time I felt that my abilities were too powerful, how could I make so many metal meshes every day?This ability is really against the sky.

In fact, if it weren't for Bao'er's remaining strength, these metal meshes made by Qi Ming could be made in just a few minutes.

"Uncle Qi Ming, you are really amazing, you still have supernatural powers after doing so many nets."

Hearing Bao'er's praise, Qi Ming got carried away with complacency, and worked harder to make the metal mesh.

While doing this, she heard Shen Ruyin shout: "Obviously!"

As soon as Qi Ming's hands trembled, the metal mesh became deformed. When he looked up and saw Shen Ruyin running towards him, Qi Ming was also very excited, "Mom, why are you here? Is the base in City G gone?"

Shen Ruyin wanted to cry when she saw her son, but she couldn't help laughing and cursing at what he said: "You child, although your father is not a good person and the survivors in the base are innocent, can't you hope for something better?"

(End of this chapter)

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