Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2995 Why are we so cruel?

Chapter 2995 Why are we so cruel?
"It's only the beginning of the last days. How much human blood did these people use to raise such a powerful mutated plant?"

Jiang Caiyue rubbed her temples, her head was still throbbing, her reaction was timely, but she was still careless. Who would have thought that someone would figure out a way to sacrifice mutated plants in the early days of the end of the world, and even raise such a big wisteria , if they hadn't met by chance, this wisteria would really become a disaster when it grows up again, I feel chills down my back just thinking about it.

Knowing that some people in the last days have no bottom line, maybe they are not ordinary people if they have no bottom line. Seeing that Lu Anlang seemed to be thinking about something, Jiang Caiyue said: "Just say what you think, I don't have the heart to guess what you think."

Although Jiang Caiyue can probably sense Lu Anlang's mood, it's just joy, anger, sorrow and joy. I still can't guess what Lu Anlang is thinking. Can it collapse so far? Before they said that cannibalism can be justified as a last resort because of lack of food, but you see they sacrificed the blood of living people to mutated plants..."

Speaking of this, Lu Anlang didn't say any more, how could these people really have nothing to eat?A few rooms are full of materials. They kill people and let blood sacrifice to raise mutated plants. The bloodletted people become their food. These people have no need for sympathy.

Jiang Caiyue patted his hand. When she first ushered in the apocalypse in her previous life, she couldn't accept many things, but after experiencing a lot, she gradually had to accept them, but even if she saw these things a lot I still feel very heavy every time I meet again.

Is it the world that is bad in the last days, or the bad people?

When he came out of the space again, the mutated tree was completely dead. Lu Anlang dug open the root of the tree with a knife, and took out a crystal nucleus unique to mutated plants from inside. This is a light green crystal nucleus. At first, the crystal nuclei of the Zombie were larger and more transparent, but because it was a tree watered with human blood, the green crystal nuclei contained a trace of red filaments, which looked a little weird.

Jiang Caiyue put the crystal nucleus into the space, and then went to look at the people who had been left there before, only to find that they were bleeding from all seven orifices, and they were already dead and could not die anymore. It can be seen that the spirit of the mutant wisteria just before it was destroyed No matter how powerful the force attack is, Jiang Caiyue and Lu Anlang are different from ordinary people in order to save their lives.

Even so, their brains are still aching, and drinking a lot of space water has not relieved it. It seems that the sequelae of the mutated plant's mental attack will last for a while.

Everyone died, but Jiang Caiyue and Lu Anlang didn't have to do it themselves, but so many corpses can't just be thrown away, and a pit needs to be dug for burial. I poured some gasoline, struck a match, and was about to set it on fire, when someone shouted, "Don't burn it!"

Jiang Caiyue paused for a moment, but threw the match in her hand, and the pile of corpses doused with gasoline caught fire instantly. Through the flames, Jiang Caiyue and Lu Anlang looked at Fan Gui who had rushed over, with a slight smile on the corner of their mouths. A touch of sarcasm.

Fan Gui didn't expect that Lu Anlang and Jiang Caiyue would really burn those people with a single fire, he was stunned for a moment before he realized, and hurriedly sent someone to put out the fire, but the fire was too hot, these people were both supernatural and quick-witted It took a long time to snatch out two intact corpses.

Fan Gui said sadly: "Brother Lu, Sister-in-law Lu, how can you be so cruel? These are real people."

Jiang Caiyue frowned, "Tell me, why are we so cruel?"

(End of this chapter)

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