Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 2999 Making Up for Mistakes

Chapter 2999 Making Up for Mistakes
But is he really wrong?He just wants everyone to live a good life, so that there will be no hatred in this world, and human beings should live in harmony.

Fan Gui sat for a long time, watching the sky lighten up little by little. Only then did he feel the emptiness in his stomach after not eating for a day. Fan Gui got up and went to the cellar where the supplies were stored, looking for something to eat.Although it was likely that the people at the base would take all the food with them when they left, he held out a glimmer of hope.

In the end, when he saw a pile of food in the base that was enough for him to eat for several months, Fan Gui's eye circles were still red. Although the people in the base abandoned him, they were still afraid that he would have a bad life alone, so they left him alone. sufficient living security.

Fan Gui stuffed the food into his mouth while weeping, but he kept asking himself: Am I wrong?Where am I wrong?

But no one could give him an answer. Maybe he already had an answer in his heart, but he just didn't want to admit it.

Suddenly, Fan Gui heard someone talking on the ground, "This is the base that the second idiot said? It's just such a small place, not as big as ours."

"At this time, don't be too picky. We will definitely not be able to return to that base, and we can only settle here first. We are going to starve to death. Let's see if there is anything to eat."

"Don't you think it's weird that there is no one in this base?"

"Yeah, didn't you say that there are many people in this base? Why didn't you see any of them?"

"Maybe it's because I went out to do the mission and haven't come back yet? Don't be suspicious, those supernatural beings have always been arrogant. Besides, if they really wanted to kill us, they would have done it long ago. If the second idiot surnamed Fan really wanted to kill us, why bother to let us go?" Us, let us come and join him?"

"Hehe, I can't look down on those self-righteous people with supernatural powers, thinking that having supernatural powers is great, and we should follow their orders willingly? Let me tell you, when we raise another mutant plant, sooner or later we will Those supernatural beings are all wiped out."

"Let's not talk about this, I'm going to starve to death, there is no one in this base."

Fan Gui was in a cold sweat listening to it in the cellar, and regretted why he had let these people go out of his mind. From their conversations, it can be heard that these people have no heart of repentance, and it is almost impossible to let them get rid of the habit of cannibalism. possible.

Thinking of the head of brother Cheng Zi who died with regret, Fan Gui had never regretted it like this time.

But the fact is that those people are rummaging from room to room above the ground, and they may soon find themselves in the cellar. From their disdainful evaluation of themselves, one can imagine what will happen to them once they hit them.

Finally, the most feared thing came. When a light shone into the cellar, Fan Gui subconsciously hid in a darker corner of the cellar.

The people above didn't notice Fan Gui, and they only shouted to the people behind them in surprise: "There are supplies here, come and have a look."

People gathered around the cellar and looked down, everyone was pleasantly surprised, but Fan Gui's heart kept sinking.But fearing that the problem could not be solved, someone climbed down the ladder, and as long as they went down to the cellar, Fan Gui would be found. It is to make up for the mistakes he made by letting these people go before.

(End of this chapter)

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