Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 3047 Apologize

Chapter 3047 Apologize
At this time, Huzi was sticking out his head from the green ball formed by the little flowers, barking at Lu Anlang non-stop, as if accusing Lu Anlang of being heartless.

Lu Anlang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It turned out that this huge mutant beast was not an enemy, but was abducted by Huzi and Xiaohua. However, it is really rare to see a flying mutant beast that is not a bird, but it was too late to see what was going on. What is it? The body is too huge, and Lu Anlang can't move it out of the pit, so he can only wait for a while, and it crawls out of the pit by itself.

Huzi was still trembling when he flew out from the bottom of the pit. Although Xiaohua and the mutant beasts cut off most of the lightning, the feeling of being struck by electricity was not good, so he calmed down a bit, and Huzi barked at Lu Anlang , Lu Anlang stretched out his hand to it amusedly, and wanted to touch the top of its head, but Hu Zi subconsciously avoided it, and it still had lingering fear after being shocked once.

Xiaohua sat obediently beside Lu Anlang, Lu Anlang's lightning force did not damage it too much, and the little flower on top of her head was still in good condition.

Lu Anlang's outstretched hand turned around and patted the little white flower on the top of Xiaohua's head. The little white flower shook a few times, wrapped around Lu Anlang's hand, and seemed to want to express something other than intimacy.But Lu Anlang resolutely didn't think he could understand what a plant wanted to express, so he could only look at Huzi helplessly.

The tiger barked a few more times, lay on the ground on all fours, and imitated the appearance of being shocked before, and then jumped into the deep pit, lying on the belly of the mutant beast and arching. Lu Anlang understood Yes, Huzi is saying that he shouldn't electrify the mutant beast, but he can't blame him all, he doesn't know that Huzi Xiaohua can become friends with this mutant beast, isn't it for the survival of his family and the base who.

In the middle of the night, the mutated beast in the sinkhole finally recovered. It was also rough-skinned and thick-skinned. It was not injured when it smashed the ground out of such a hole. After flying out of the hole, it first yelled at Lu Anlang, as if to vent dissatisfied.

Lu Anlang had no choice but to say: "This is a misunderstanding, I apologize to you, go back and ask my wife to cook for you."

I don't know if this mutated beast understood, but when Lu Anlang talked about the delicious food, the mutated beast nodded its head, and its eyes were not as fierce as before.Lu Anlang looked at its size, it was more than ten meters tall when it was sitting, and suddenly felt distressed, how much delicious food would it have to cook for it to eat?
But at least it was appeased, but in the future, Huzi and Xiaohua had to tell Huzi and Xiaohua not to pick up mutant beasts casually, or they would eat up all the food in the base, and humans would starve.

Huzi and Xiaohua slept on the mutated beast's belly. Lu Anlang hated the heat and was afraid to sleep next to the mutated beast. The mutated beast turned over and pressed itself down, then went back to sleep on the tree.

I got up at dawn, picked some wild fruits and ate them.There are also edible mutant beasts in the dense forest. The tiger is used to eating cooked ones. It was the monkeys who had to roast the food when they were separated from Jiang Caiyue's family. The big rabbit came back and asked Lu Anlang to roast it with lightning.

After the apocalypse, the water outside cannot be drunk casually. No one knows if there are any mutated creatures and viruses in the water that are invisible to the naked eye. The rabbit was roasted with seasoning.

Although there is no seasoning, the tiger eats it with relish. The mutant beast sniffs the scent in the air and keeps sniffing, but it is just such a mutant rabbit, he and the tiger can still eat it, and I am afraid that it will not be enough for it. sewn.

(End of this chapter)

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