Chapter 3061

Lu Anlang's family lived in the villa area, but there were no other people around. Sister Qu Ruirui's team, Cui Qi and Meng Yu's team, and some high-level executives of the base also lived here.

One morning, when I heard the crying here, some people came out to watch the excitement, and saw a few people tied up in Lu Anlang's yard, Rui Rui smiled: "Brother, you just came back last night, why are there thieves who don't have eyes?" Did you mess with the door?"

In front of these many people, Lu Anlang couldn't explain why these people provoked him, so he nodded, "Spies, go and call Meng Yu, and leave this matter to him."

Ruirui promised to run away immediately. Compared with interrogating spies, he is more willing to go out to do tasks, and although Meng Yu has not been in the base for a long time, his methods have deeply impressed everyone in the base. Absolutely a master at extorting confessions, and in this last world, he is a bit of a loser.

He was woken up by Ruirui outside early in the morning, Meng Yu was still a little angry, but when he heard that Lu Anlang had arrested the spies and sent him to interrogate, Meng Yu immediately regained his energy, put on clothes with Cui Qi and came over up.

Seeing these two people, the onlookers all laughed. Cui Qi was forced by Lu Anlang to shout in front of everyone that she was a woman, but no one believed it except those who knew the truth, and she and Jiang Caiyue After returning from a mission, he abducted a little man for himself. Everyone suddenly realized, no wonder the elder brother was so relieved that the elder sister was with her.

For a while, no one doubted what was going on between Cui Qi and Jiang Caiyue, but Meng Yu's eyes were full of malicious intentions, regardless of Meng Yu's methods of extorting a confession, but no matter how you look at it, Meng Yu is always in front of Cui Qi. Little man, it's really hard for him to be tall and strong, but he can face other people's eyes calmly.

Meng Yu didn't dare to quarrel with Cui Qi, so he just mentioned a few words, hoping that Cui Qi would change back to being a woman, Cui Qi said: "Do you want people to always think that I am a woman, or want to take advantage of me when I am on a mission?" ?”

Meng Yu shook his head. When he thought of Cui Qi surrounded by many men who wanted to be raised by her, Meng Yu felt sour. A man should be a man. Anyway, he knows his own affairs, and he is not really the man Cui Qi should raise. , the strength of the mission is no worse than Cui Qi.Especially after coming to the base, his abilities have improved a lot day by day, and Meng Yu's confidence has surged even more.

When he came outside Lu Anlang's villa, Meng Yu pointed to the people who were tied up and said, "Are these the spies?"

Lu Anlang nodded, "Take it back later and interrogate them carefully to see who ordered them. I heard that spies from City G sneaked into the city. What is the result of the interrogation?"

Just as Meng Yu was about to say something, Qi Nanqin said, "Don't stand here and talk, sit inside, I just steamed a few pots of dim sum yesterday, you guys chat while eating."

Meng Yu and Cui Qi thanked Qi Nanqin, and Qi Nanqin called Sister Qu and the others to come in. The yard of the villa was crowded with people, and there was no room to sit in the pavilion. Jiang Caiyue took out some sets of tables and chairs from the space, and Qi Nanqin went to make a cup After a few pots of tea, Sister Qu and Cui Qi hurried over to help take them out, and put them on the table as if they were having a tea party.

The pots of dim sum steamed by Qi Nanqin are different, but all of them look appetizing, and they look better than the ones that can be bought outside before the end of the world. These are what Qi Nanqin learned when he was in Liang Guo, and in their eyes, they are completely ancient methods. The dim sum is not as good as the dim sum with various additives added before the end of the world, but it tastes more mellow and deep.

(End of this chapter)

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