Chapter 354

Qi Nanqin said with a smile: "Mother ate it in the morning, but Sensen must remember what your second sister said, and no one can tell it when you go out, otherwise others will snatch the eggs away, and your nephew Bao'er will have nothing to eat."

Sensen nodded vigorously, "If Sensen doesn't say anything, even my aunt and elder sister won't say anything."

Jiang Caiyue sighed in her heart, regardless of how old the child was, she actually knew who the mother and daughter were really guarding against.However, if she were Jiang Xueqiao or Second Aunt, seeing her son or younger brother behaving like this, she would probably be pissed off.

Originally, Jiang Caiyue and Lu Anlang were going back to Daxi Village after sending Qi Nanqin back, but after all, Jiang Caiyue was worried about Qi Nanqin, and finally decided to stay overnight, but Haoer at home was also worrying, so Lu Anlang decided that he should go back first. .

After lunch, Lu Anlang drove the ox cart back to Daxi Village alone. Jiang Caiyue asked him to bring out a few of the rabbits at home tomorrow and sell them, otherwise there would be too many rabbits and there would be not enough food for the family. Lu Anlang also sent a basket of useless medicinal materials to old doctor Chen to sell. It won't sell for much, but it's useless if left alone. It's worth a few dollars.

After Lu Anlang left, Sensen felt a little sleepy, Qi Nanqin asked Yuxiang to take him back to bed first, after all, there was still class in the afternoon.

After sending Sensen back, Yuxiang also went back to the house, leaving Jiang Caiyue and Qi Nanqin to talk about themselves.

Seeing that no one else was around, Jiang Caiyue took some grapes and seasonal fruits out for Qi Nanqin to eat normally. Of course, in order to deceive others, Jiang Caiyue also took a lot of dried fruits, and kept them for Qi Nanqin to eat as snacks on weekdays Although the fruit is too eye-catching, the dried fruit is not so eye-catching. After all, although there was a drought last year, the harvest was not bad, and the fruit at that time was also good, and no one would doubt anything.

Although it was not the first time to see Jiang Caiyue take out something out of thin air, Qi Nanqin still found it miraculous. As for the place she couldn't go to, Qi Nanqin didn't ask too much, as long as her daughter is good than anything else.

In fact, Jiang Caiyue would like to bring out a watermelon for both of them to eat, but the fragrance of watermelon is too strong, as long as everything is opened, it will be smelled by Yuxiang. Although this girl is very loyal, Jiang Caiyue even Lu Anlang knows the secret of space If she didn't tell, how could she trust the loyalty of a maid?
Although you can't eat watermelon, peaches, apples, and pears are also very good, especially peaches. Qi Nanqin was amazed after eating: "It's the first time for my mother to eat such delicious peaches. It's amazing. They are as sweet as sprinkles." Like honey, the tribute to the emperor is probably not comparable."

Jiang Caiyue told her to eat quickly, and put a dozen or so in the cabinet for her. Don't look at this peach, which is soaked in honey water, but it can hold it quite well. As long as you don't touch it and leave it outside for more than ten days not a problem.

I also put some apples and pears in the cabinet, especially pears, which can be used as water to quench thirst when the water is critical.

And in order to prevent Second Aunt from rummaging through the cabinet while no one was in the house, Yuxiang would not suspect that the cabinet was locked.Although she felt a little sorry for Yuxiang, Qi Nanqin felt that her daughter's safety was the most important thing, and the lack of Yuxiang could only be made up for elsewhere.

Although cucumbers are not as delicious as peaches, they are also produced in the space, and they are worse than the ones I ate before. Let Yuxiang eat more cucumbers.

The two mothers ate, drank and chatted in the house. The days were more comfortable than before before Jiang Caiyue was married. The two mothers had never been so close as they are now. They talked and laughed and heard Baoer's words from time to time. Whispering, if it can continue like this, even a god would not want to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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