Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 627 Don't Just Open Your Mouth

Chapter 627
Before Su Wudi finished speaking, Jiang Caiyue became unhappy, "General Su, I don't like hearing you say that. Is the medicine I'm selling you fake?"

Su Wudi shook his head, "How could it be a counterfeit medicine? The medicine is the best medicine and has made a lot of contributions on the battlefield."

"Since the medicine is not fake and it is really useful, with the efficacy of the medicine I prepared, do you want your medicine price to be high?"

Su Wudi couldn't just say that the price of the medicine was too high. The wound medicine he used before was much more expensive than this, but the medicine was not so effective, not to mention the medicine powder that could make the enemy fall on wind.

Jiang Caiyue snorted coldly: "Since I didn't ask for a high price, and General Su also said that my medicine is good, why do you still think that if you do business with me, you can take our wild boar for nothing? Whose robber is this?" statement?"

Su Wudi was speechless at the words, and finally he could only say: "In that case, can my brothers and sisters sell these wild boars to me? After all, the soldiers in the army haven't eaten meat for a long time, and these wild boars can be eaten by them when they go back. Meaty."

Jiang Caiyue smiled, "General Su said that a long time ago. In fact, no one is unreasonable. It is the luck of the common people to contribute to the army. It is said that such a wild boar can be sold in the city, and it can be sold at least. 200 taels each, since General Su wants to buy it, we will earn less, a wild boar costs 100 taels, if the general wants it, he will carry it down the mountain, and when Sister Ying is rescued, he will pay the silver with one hand and the wild boar with the other.”

What can Su Wudi say?What's more, Jiang Caiyue really didn't ask for a high price, it's just that it's not worth it in previous years. It can only be said that the current year is not good, and the food has gone up.

Su Wudi ordered his soldiers to carry the wild boar down the mountain. Su Chen pulled Su Wudi aside, and said unwillingly, "General, why do you need to buy wild boars caught by others? It's not like we can't catch prey when we go up the mountain. Saved a lot of money."

Su Wudi whispered: "It's been a day since we went up the mountain. Have you seen any prey? I think there may be prey on this mountain, but we can't find them in a while, and you haven't noticed these wild boars. They are all so fat, how can the wild boars on the mountain grow so fat and strong these years? I have never seen it in previous years."

Su Chen was surprised: "Could it be that this wild boar was raised by Lu Anlang?"

Su Wudi slapped him on the head, "What are you thinking? Who would raise wild boars? I mean, maybe An Lang knows where there are wild boars, otherwise why can he hunt them every time he goes up the mountain?"

Su Chen said happily, "If that's the case, won't there be endless wild boars in the future?"

Su Wudi was even more speechless, "If you have good things, you'll gossip about them? You're not afraid of being robbed by others."

Su Chen said: "Don't say it's fine, we can buy it with him."

Su Wudi glared at Su Chen fiercely, "Buy? Our Lieutenant General Su Chen is really rich and powerful. Or should you buy it from now on?"

Su Chen shook his head, although his monthly salary is not small, it is only a few dozen taels, how can he afford it?What's more, guarding the border is also a hard and poor job, and it's not like the garrisons elsewhere are rich.

Su Wudi said: "In the future, you should be smarter when you speak and do things, and don't just open your mouth to make people hate you."

Su Chen quickly covered her mouth, lest the general say he was annoying.

Jiang Caiyue also pulled Lu Anlang aside, "Did you hear what Su Wudi said?"

Lu Anlang was also worried, "He suspects the origin of these wild boars."

"Yeah, fortunately, he only thought that you knew where these wild boars were kept, and didn't think too much about it, otherwise it would be really troublesome."

(End of this chapter)

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