Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 882 Why keep a low profile?

Chapter 882 Why keep a low profile?

In the morning, Qi Nanqin called outside after getting up: "Caiyue!"

Jiang Caiyue came out of the space with her sleeping Bao'er in her arms. Qi Nanqin was afraid that the baby would be cold when she came out of the space, so she had already re-ignited several braziers that had been extinguished. When she left the space, it was darker, but her body was warm .

Jiang Caiyue took out some breakfast that had been prepared and placed in the space before. While eating, she praised Yuxiang Bao's steamed stuffed buns.

Jiang Caiyue said: "I'll ask later, if anyone wants to go to Yuxiang to help, just change a few, so that the two children won't be tired."

Qi Nanqin said: "Don't be in a hurry, I'll go over and have a look later. It opened yesterday on the first day, and I don't know how the business is. Let's see if we really need to hire someone."

Jiang Caiyue is not worried about bad business, as long as it is a business that has something to do with food, it is not bad. A bowl of bean curd for ten cents is really not expensive, and the most important thing is that it is delicious. You can imagine Yuxiang and How busy is Hao'er going to be?

Not long after breakfast, female workers came over one after another. After they lit the brazier together, they each took the cut fabrics to waft cotton.

When someone came over, they said to Jiang Caiyue: "Mrs. Lu, did your family open a tofu flower shop yesterday?"

"Yes, Sister-in-law Bai is watching?"

Sister-in-law Bai said: "Hehe, I didn't just watch it. Yesterday my man passed by the Douhua shop with his children. Seeing the crowds there, he wanted the children to try it, but he didn't want to see someone come and make trouble in the Douhua shop."

"Dare to go to Mrs. Lu's tofu flower shop to make trouble? Are those people blind or brainless?"

Several women couldn't help laughing, and Sister-in-law Bai also laughed, "My man also said the same thing. He said that Catcher Ji brought people to eat bean curds in the store at that time. Those people came in without looking at them, and wanted to He wanted to make a move on Miss Yuxiang, but he was kicked out by Mr. Hao'er after a few kicks, and he was probably still in a daze when he was finally arrested by Ji Butou and the others."

Jiang Caiyue had a smile on her face when she heard this, but she was wondering who would dare to come to the store to make trouble?Most of them are not from Liancheng, maybe they were hired.

But there are not many enemies of their family outside of Liancheng. Li Liangwen is the only one far away in the capital. Those people in Qiu County, are they them?

Qi Nanqin tidied up briefly as she spoke, and wanted to go out to find Haoer and Yuxiang. Before leaving, Jiang Caiyue stuffed her with a bag, which contained a few clothes, which she made for Haoer and Yuxiang in the past two days. , comfortable and light to wear, and the most important thing is to look good, they don't care about what is not ostentatious, not to mention that what Lu Anlang and Jiang Caiyue have done recently is already ostentatious enough, but Qi Nanqin's family background itself is ostentatious enough, why should it be low-key? ?

Qi Nanqin was walking halfway and heard someone calling her, turned around and saw Ji Hai walking behind with a food box, followed by his wife, Ji Hai saw Qi Nanqin and said: "The noodles I ate at the Douhua shop last night, Mr. Su asked me to bring some for Mrs. Qi and my siblings, but Yuxiang came out and said that if you don’t eat them, these noodles will be cheap for me.”

Qi Nanqin said with a smile: "Well, Mr. Su has a heart. The pot that Caiyue and I ate last night may not be enough for us to eat if you send it over, but we must not let Mr. Su know about this."

Ji Haidao: "That's what I said, I stopped Madam, because I was afraid that I would say something wrong without discussing it."

(End of this chapter)

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