Space pretty doctor girl

Chapter 966: Behind the scenes of the next chapter, keep your voice down

Chapter 966 Keep your voice down when discussing people's rights and wrongs behind the scenes next time
Coming out of Daxi Village, the sky began to snow. After saying goodbye to Aunt Hong's family, Desheng's family and the villagers who heard the news, Hao'er and He Hongda drove two cars, and Qi Ling also drove one. Now, all the cars in winter have been put into the shed. Su Wudi sat in a car, holding the car board tightly with his left hand, afraid of hurting the newly attached hand when the car shook, and even more afraid of bumping into the two people next to him in the bumps. A tiger and a few cages of chickens and ducks.

Everyone in the village knew that Jiang Caiyue's family had two tigers, so they had to take them away if they wanted to move. The pigs and sheep could also be tied to the back of the car. Chickens and ducks and General Su squeezed into the same car.

Hao'er drove the carriage, looked back at the entrance of the village, at least he lived there for more than half a year, and left some happy or bitter or happy or sad times, and he might not be able to come back often in the future, and he was really nostalgic.

A light green figure appeared at the entrance of the village. Hao'er subconsciously wanted to rein in the horse, but reason prevented him from doing so in the end. So what if he reined in the carriage?Although some things are still vivid, they seem like a world away.

The pale green figure chased for a long distance in the snow, fell down and got up, got up and fell down again, Qi Ling, who was driving the car, looked back and couldn't bear it, "Miss, do you want to persuade Your Highness to stop and say goodbye?"

Gao Yingnan in the car shook her head, "So what can I do if I say goodbye? Maybe it will kill her family."

Qi Ling then understood the meaning of Gao Yingnan's words, Hao'er's status was unusual, what if someone wanted to use Shen Xue to attack him in the future?The fate of Shen Xue's family is hanging by a thread.

"Miss Shen is also pitiful, I hope His Highness the Eighth Prince will not let her down in the future."

Hao'er, who was driving the car, couldn't take it anymore, "Next time, be quiet when discussing people's right and wrong behind their backs."

Gao Yingnan said, "Okay!"

This seemingly well-behaved but even perfunctory tone was even irritating. Hao'er snorted, and with a flick of the horsewhip, the carriage accelerated instantly, and Su Wudi in the carriage was instantly thrown away. Su Wudi is safe and sound.

Su Wudi protested: "Cousin, although you and I have always been at odds, it's not easy for my aunt to connect my arm, so don't break it."

Hao'er didn't say anything, but drove the carriage smoothly again.Qi Nanqin also yelled from behind: "Hao'er, don't rush so fast, your cousin's hand can't be touched."

Hao'er replied: "Understood."

When we rushed back to Liancheng, the snow was already heavy, and there were almost no pedestrians on the road. Otherwise, the appearance of three cars followed by a few pigs and sheep would definitely attract a lot of people to salivate.

When they returned to Buzhuang, the bodies of the three drivers were already covered with snow. Haoer and Qiling were fine, but He Hongda was shivering from the cold. Su Li came out with a small broom and swept the snow off their bodies. Helped Su Wudi into the room, looked at his plastered arm and sighed, "I don't know if it will be as good as before when it grows."

Su Wudi said: "Grandpa Li, even if I'm not as good as before, I still have my left hand, which has been practiced very well recently."

Su Li sighed and went to the kitchen to prepare hot soup. When the hot soup was served, everyone drank a large bowl, which made their stomachs feel warm.

Su Li said: "A man who called himself Lao Fang came this morning and said that they are living in the house these days, and they have nothing to do, so they are uneasy. They have made some money by working these few days. Think of it as food and accommodation for these days."

(End of this chapter)

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