Don't run away

Chapter 3747 President, take me away 3

Chapter 3747 President, take me away 3
But these are extravagant hopes, and she knows it herself.

Lu Zhiqi and Fu Qingyu are a natural pair.

She felt that she could go to the grave with this thought in mind, how could she compare to Fu Qingyu, the real young lady, not to mention, she had also seduced Lu Zhiqi intentionally or unintentionally.

Lu Zhiqi didn't even look at him.

When Fu Tianya felt that she was hopeless, at this time Fu Wenlang found her,

Fu Wenlang really wanted to get the property of the Fu family, and as for Lu Zhiqi, he was willing to help her fight for it.

Fu Wenlang's words deeply touched Fu Tianya.

The two conspired together to deceive Fu Qingyu, talking about going abroad to play together.

A large group of people, the two finally found the local underworld and asked them to throw Fu Qingyu on a small island in the nearby sea.

Fu Qingyu was thrown on the island, and he was going to kill himself.

But on the small island, a woman was imprisoned.

The woman had great strength, and she walked out of the restraint by herself. She saw Fu Qingyu on the beach and took her back.

She was thrown in this kind of place by herself, very lonely and lonely, now that there is suddenly another person beside her, she is very happy.

However, when Fu Qingyu woke up, he found himself trapped in this place, and immediately screamed, not to mention looking at this woman who looked like a savage.

Seeing that she was going to escape, this savage was naturally unwilling. She had been alone on this isolated island for so many years, and finally found someone to accompany her.

If she went out like this, it would be a dead end.

The savage was afraid that she would die, so he locked Fu Qingyu here, and locked her up with chains.

It is hopeless for Fu Qingyu to stay on this small island.

Without any will to survive, he was forcibly fed by this savage in the end.

Staying on this deserted island for five years...

Finally, someone discovered this small island, and when they came up, they found Fu Qingyu who was locked inside, and suddenly found that she was the same person as the missing person notice.

The Fu family is a rich family, and their little princess was kidnapped. Naturally, it took a lot of manpower and financial resources to find it.

They saw Fu Qingyu on the portrait, took her and left.

Just at that time, the savage was looking for food outside.

When Fu Qingyu was sitting on the boat, he squinted his eyes slightly, and saw the savage kneeling on the beach, howling and crying.

Fu Qingyu said that he wanted to take that savage with him, but those people suddenly felt scared when they saw the savage's vicious appearance on the beach.

They didn't dare to go back. If that savage killed them, they didn't know what to do.

So he went back with Fu Qingyu, sent her to the Fu family, received the bounty and went to have fun.

When Fu Qingyu returned to the Fu family, his mind and spirit were different from before.

The girl who was pampered since she was a child was locked up on a deserted island for five years. All she ate were wild fruits, but there were no wild fruits. She ate bugs, snakes, and mice.

There are many things that she would rather die than eat.

But the savages kept forcing her to eat those things, and in the end she had no choice but to eat those things mouthful.

After five years, she survived and returned home.

Many things have changed. My mother was not in good health. Because of her disappearance, my mother died of illness two years ago.

(End of this chapter)

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